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Adam Lambert Like 2 Of Bonnie Mckee's instagram photo's

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, February 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, February 09, 2015


yada said...

Wow, Bonnie looks absolutely stunning and super fit. Such an accomplished sing-writer and friend of Adam...

Hmmm... Wonder if there is any collab work together on 'The Original High"?

Going to be so much fun to see what Adam (and Max Martin et al.) has come up with! :)))

yada said...

darn auto-correct, again - *Ack*
(though she is a singer, too... so I suppose "sing-writer" would actually fit ;))

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonnie looks great, she is very talented.

JAK said...

Bonnie looks like she is sucking in to be teeny tiny....both lovely girls, but Katy looks womanly.....she has a 1950s figure.