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Adam Lambert liked Gaga & Miley's Instagram Photos

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

Gaga, Miley and Madonna. Adam's favorite Divas <3

Dee R Gee said...

Ah, Adam's favorite girlfriends! What a trio. :)

BTW, just checked to see if the Milan show ended. Yes it is, and I guess the crowd was very loud and into it, and Adam sang great, even WWTLF! I think they made few adjustments for him, but overall, he did it! I read that his STL was full-out, even at the end. Crowd loved it! Can't wait for the vids.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the crowd were crazy for him, and sang all the words and loudly, to help him, so that he wouldn't have to strain his voice. The crowd absolutely loved him, and his courage to do the concert after being ill, and probably not quite better. There were some adjustments to some of the songs, but overall it was one of the best concerts of the tour.
The crowd had his back 100%, and so did Brian, Roger and the other band members. They were playing a bit louder than usual. On all the streams I watched and listened to, the most common phrase was 'What a trooper, and what a professional'. Anne Marie

yada said...

Awww, that is SO great to hear! I wasn't able to partake in the streams today, so I was looking for any recaps and take aways from Milan and Adam's reception and condition.

What a fantastic report. Brilliant Italians... and I enjoy hearing about their warmth and support toward Adam and the whole band.
Bet they had the time of their lives. QAL is the cream of the crop, and they experienced and incredible show.

So, Yay for our GFG. Now, Adam has additional time off... And he'll be good as new soon enough. I'd wager that Brian & Roger and the rest of the band were very proud of Adam today. Probably made Brian - known for his sense of and particular interest in common human decency - feel quite elated, as well.

Thanks for sharing, Anne Marie :)))

JAK said...

Oh, I'm so glad he was able to make the concert.

Yay for Adam and the loving Italian audience. Yay for Adam's doctor !

Anonymous said...

Great pic of Lady Gaga.