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Towleroad: Adam Working With Celeb Fitness Trainer While On Tour

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, February 23, 2015

Posted at : Monday, February 23, 2015

Here is an article where the primary content is certainly off-topic of this blog, but I'm posting it because it contains one revealing piece of information about Adam: he's definitely keeping fit on tour.  You know, I thought his biceps were looking a bit more developed in recent photos!

credit: from Pinterest account "Debbie," posted today; location not specified, but possibly Krakow

"...celeb trainer Seth Gottesdiener ... is currently in Europe helping Adam Lambert keep in shape for his gigs with Queen."


Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing keep it up

Anonymous said...

I thought we already knew this.

Anonymous said...

So we already knew this, but it is nice to see the results, in a very glamorous picture. I think he is very wise to take a trainer, it is not easy to find the time to exercise on tour, with a trainer, you have to do it.
With all the movements he makes on stage, they are much easier for him, if he is limber. Wonder if he will keep the private trainer or just go to the gym when he gets back home. I would think the rest of the Queen crew could benefit from this, might be they are sharing him.

JAK said...

I am probably in a minority, I don't like biceps...I like the smooth lean look.

broddybounce said...

Sorry @7:22 and @7:33, I must have missed that reference in an earlier post, or maybe I need to take gingko bilboa for my memory! :) I did do a search on 24/7 for this trainer's name, as well as for the words "trainer" and "fitness," but couldn't find anything related. In any case, would you not agree that is is never a problem to post another sleeveless Adam pic..?! Thanks for your comments, guys!

Anonymous said...

JAK, don't worry, Adam does not have the right kind of build to have bulging muscles like his trainer. He is just going to look
toned and healthy.

Dee R Gee said...

You can sure tell he's been working out. He's so nice and slim and toned up. No, Adam will never be the muscle-bound type, and that's a good thing, IMO. I don't like overly-muscled guys. A singer of Adam's caliber is an athlete. They have to have strong bodies to get that great voice to work perfectly.

BTW, I never mind when a topic repeated a time or two. I usually learn something new each time. And a favorite "old" topic is always fun to revisit. Just skip it if you want to. :)

Anonymous said...

8:03PM, with the right food, drugs and training schedule Adam absolutely could be a big muscle bound guy.

yada said...
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yada said...

8:25pm.... I agree. It would appear (I suppose his trainer knows for sure) that Adam has a mesomorph body type.... And could build some serious muscle and bulk up if he really wanted to do so.
He's spending ALOT of time burning calories and seems to breaking down the muscle he may be building with all the cardio he does on stage and off (jogging, etc)..... Which may be leading to his toned, fit, and slim appearance. It may also be by purposeful preference and design; as bulking up may be harder to lithely move all over the place the way he does (still amazes me....And doesn't even sound out of breath for one second!), so he may be more cardio inclined right now. My speculations, anyway :)

Whatever his formula is..... He looks BEYOND SEXYYYYYYY ❤️

.... And, amen Broddy.... There can NEVER be too many pics posted here of Adam sleeveless and otherwise. I think you should find even more excuses to post more pics! Oops, I mean... err... Find more 'reasons', of course. Ahem. ;))

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has a normal enough percentage of body fat that he isn't tearing down muscle with cardio.

yada said...

Hi Anon 9:20 :).....

Sorry if I sounded confusing :).
Just for clarity...As I recall from personal trainers over the years.... when a person does weights and hence puts on (builds) some muscle.... And also adds an extraordinary amount of cardio to the routine (and the cardio is way more than the weights, or much higher).... The added bulk in the muscle has a tendency to break down a bit and leaves more tone than bulk.... Hence longer leaner muscle fiber, rather than shorter, bulkier denser fiber. Not a "tearing down" but a reversal, if you will, of the muscle increase... not due necessarily to fat availability or no available fat.... But a different usage of the muscle and, yes.... The calorie burn.

Adam may very well have healthy fat percentage just as you mentioned (which is a great point :)).... Even with that, his fat does appear to be relatively low.... And the cardio activity appears to be quite high relative to the muscle increase.

My thoughts of course... and I'm certainly not an expert by any means. You likely know much more than I. Always looking to learn more, so if you have info, please feel free to share it! :))

Anonymous said...

You just love to contradict everything I say, I am starting to look forward to your comments, on what I say. You never have an original comment of your own, you just like to tear down other peoples comments.

Anonymous said...

Part of what Adam is working on with his trainer, is his middle section, where he has a tendency to gain weight. It appears to be working because in the last couple of concerts, he has been caught hitching up his pants. Most men should exercise to keep healthy and retain the proper weight for their height. Adam is a public figure, and is doing the right thing. He wants to look his best, and sometimes that is a job in itself. Adam is not naturally thin, he eats properly and exercises, and I think he looks great.

Anonymous said...

9:41 PM, it's always the same person replying to you? But you are anonymous and so are they.

Anonymous said...

Their wording gives them away. I go by Anne Marie most of the time, and my wording gives me away too. I have been told that.
I don't always remember to put my name on my comment.

Anonymous said...

Well whatever he's doing, he's looking fantastic. I always give credit to Sauli for turning Adam on to proper nutrition and physical fitness, and all their advantages. Might I add that is one smoking hot pic!


glitzylady said...

Adam looks INCREDIBLE!!!

Kudos to his trainer and to Adam himself, for working hard to be in awesome shape..

I'm not into body builders with massive muscles but some nicely defined biceps are okay by me :))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Hi, yada, I'm no expert either. What I know is just from having kids who play sports and wanting them to be wise about their health and workout routines.

From what I have read and talked to people about cardio is that it takes extreme amounts of cardio without proper nutrition to tear down muscle. Also that the type of strength training and nutrition affects how much muscle you put on. Maybe that is what you are referring to? Whether you are trying to build those big muscles or just gain strength and definition? Or maybe to the microtears in muscles as they are used?

To me it doesn't have to be an either or thing, cardio or strength, as long as you have good nutrition and reasonable amounts of cardio and strength training. A balance.

I'm sure Adam is doing cardio to be able to run around that stage and sing at the same time. I'd have to sit down and rest ;) His arms look like he is doing strength training to me, but not enough to bulk way up. Didn't Adam mention doing pilates at some recent point?

Whatever he is doing, it does look good. I'm not a fan of those guys whose shoulders and arms are built up so much that it looks like their neck and head belong on a different body ;)

I do think if we talked to five different trainers about this we would get four different answers :)

yada said...

Good points and thoughts, 11:13. Makes sense, thank you! :)

..... And, yes.... Adam looks down-right sleek, trim, healthy, HOT.... toned, cut (his quads - glutes, hehe - are as sexy as his tattooed biceps! Did I mention HOT? ;))

....just Amazeballs. xo

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

.... And I would also say that if there is such a thing as a sexy heart.... That would fit Adam to a tee.

His heart. His demeanor.... His kindness.... His authenticity....
His indescribable talent.....

This man has it all. Indeed! The TOTAL package. :))

Anonymous said...

From what I've seen in video clips and pics, his arms seem more toned than they used to be. I like muscular biceps but I'm not a fan of bulging muscles all over the body. I think Adam could really muscle up his big chest if he wanted to but I'm not an expert on such things.

ICU2;~}INVU4URAQT said...

Ooh it's getting hot in here........❗️I'm liking his overall leaner look but my fav is his chest. His pecs are more defined. Love a nice chest on a man. Does this mean I'm a pec women ;~}

I've checked out the beginng of the U.S. Tour to current, most definitely an increase in sexy hotness.

I want to personally thank Adam for making me a super happy camper��

I'm not sure if I can take much more of his hotness but we all have to make sacrifices so I'll just keep pushing on and make the most of it. The things I do for the greater good, booyah��

Anonymous said...

Rosie Posie ,
Thankey, for your nice words. I agree.;)

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie,

Why don't just post and enjoy? If I could just offer a little advice; you have posted the same thing to me and many other people when they respond to your posts. I am not the person this morning, I have only responded to you once before, and in a very respectful way, at that time you accused me of always contradicting you. I was quite surprised at your comment. So, I am just saying you cannot really tell who is responding if all responding are unnamed.

Even when you do not put your name on your post, your
negativity comes through regarding Adam at times. I think you leave your name off on purpose sometimes, to see if you will get the same feedback, and that is ok; many of us are not signing.

So I would suggest that you just post and enjoy and do not worry about whether people think it is you or not. Most people have better things to do when they come on here; like enjoying all wonderful things Adam fantastic Lambert.

Have a great day. Off to work for me, and back in time just today for the streaming!

yada said...

Ooooh, ICU2... I agree on the pecs. Adam is nicely defined in all the right places. ;))))))

Anonymous said...

I agree there has been a definite change in his arms recently and to me he has got it exactly right - they look really hard and defined without going overboard into that muscle man look - they are absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

OT: Adam's friend Sauli is also working with a personal trainer, in Finland. :)

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