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VIENNA REVIEW: Vienna Online (

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, February 2, 2015

Posted at : Monday, February 02, 2015

credit: APA as posted on
Here is the first review from Vienna from Vienna Online.  The translation from Google is, well, one of the roughest we've had of any of the reviews.  There are a lot of perplexing phrases and sentences; still, you can make out quite a bit, and it is generally positive. 

VIENNA ONLINE: Adam Lambert brought Queen back in Vienna glamor and bombast
Direct translation from Google Translate / no editing by 24/7

Jubilee of Queen in Vienna: For the tenth time the band has made their royal Waiting in the Stadthalle Vienna last Sunday, for the third time without Freddie Mercury. As a guest singer Adam Lambert this time was in the service of Her Majesty - a risky endeavor that the smart US boy but mastered with flying colors.

With his Queen were able to bring their trademarks "Glamour" and "bombast" back to full fruition.
Queen - Musical and Concert in Vienna

Old saying: You can not be in two Kirtagen with a butt. The Queen musical "We Will Rock You" in Hall F or queen live Homemade next door in the sold-out hall D. competition, so to speak: who wanted to spend his Sunday Evening free time at Roland Rainer Square, the choice is yours did.

From the former quartet Freddie Mercury died in 1991, bassist John Deacon has been around for 18 years stays medial usable peep more of themselves. Stay Brian May and Roger Taylor, who tried in vain after the death of Mercury, the monster Queen to turn her back. An encounter with Free singer Paul Rodgers led to an unexpected revival and allowed the band between 2005 and 2008 a new album and two tours. Rodgers thereby dyed the songs with his bluesy vocals are not always sure text into a gray-blue, which made it impossible for any glitter and glamor. With Adam Lambert, dazzling showman and former participants in the American "Star Mania" other exactly "American Idol," the once traditional bombast show celebrates Queen but again cheerful Urständ.

Mega Show with Hitfeuerwerk ("Hit Firework")

Yes, bombast! Mega-light show, smoke fountains, and the powerful stage for the six-member crew, which is dominated by a giant Q that shines, lase blitzdingst, interior accommodates an effect studded video wall and tilts also entirely in the horizontal position. The Q-loop serves as a catwalk that leads the audience to the B stage in the middle. All of this can be seen but only after the enormous stage curtain shooting to opener "One Vision" in height and the next, always bathed in fog and dry and the final interwoven gold rain, a good two hours Hitfeuerwerk - of "Another Bites The Dust" on "Under Pressure" to "Bohemian Rhapsody" - is ignited.

A band that has released over 50 singles in Europe alone is inherently doomed to a Best Of, the scope for surprises is low, the willingness to take risks, unfortunately, as well. In the Spotlight the smaller stage, Taylor delivers with Sohnemann Rufus a drum rampage, just there filming the health ailing May and the audience with his camera at Selfiestick - food for his brand new youtube channel. The intimate setting he uses with sangesfreudiger support of the public for a touching "Love Of My Life", which mutates into a memorial service for Mercury, including nostalgic setter on the screen. Likewise duty: Its traditional guitar solo with hints of the "Blue Danube Waltz".

Adam Lambert popular in the US

Lambert enjoys considerable popularity in America, in Europe this is not necessarily so. His current role as Queen singer is also seen by the fans extremely critical. So much pressure is placed on the 33-year-old who openly acknowledge his homosexuality ever published two albums, and the third has just rolled. The hardcore queen retinue, which even today still for hours waiting for the room inlet, an almost complete standing at the edge of the stage, followed his appearances with Argus eyes. One thing he can not namely: imitate Mercury or even parody.

But he does not do anyway. He quotes, and extremely precise. He has charisma and self-confidence, suggests Mercury typical poses, wearing leather clothes lolls on the red chaise lounge on a gorgeous gay interpretation of "Killer Queen", he wears - The Da Vinci Code-Alarm! - As it has done Mercury at the end of his last concerts tour, a crown on his head. But most important, the audience loves him. Lambert and manage what many namhaftere colleagues have failed: He hits all the high notes effortlessly, though with a voice that comes from the musical and contains a shot Conchita Wurst, but still.

Bombastic concert despite niggles

May (67), rock god and gentleman guitarist, is since Tuesday the flu, a cancer diagnosis a year ago was negative, an artificial knee joint he calls his own. Taylor (65) has lost its entire hearing and is dependent on both sides of hearing aids. When asked what was left of Queen today, Taylor said recently: "Queen, which are only Brian and I, and I am the only one who can still walk." May avoid the gentlemen the word "Farewell" as the domestic internal politics substantial administrative reform, but a further tour of this magnitude will probably not go out. On the other hand, Taylor said in a recent interview: "We are inventing new."

After considerable 500,000 spectators were (at least 11,500 of them today in Vienna) lured into the halls with the ongoing concert series so far. "But we can not go on forever, because, you know, we too must die once" oracle doctorate in astrophysics May during last year's US tour. Seen in the final number was as it were a blessing for the two men: "God Save The Queen".



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this review.

Roger has lost his entire hearing & has hearing aids! That is something the whole world doesn't need to know.

broddybounce said...

You're welcome!

Funny you should mention about the part about Roger's hearing, and thank you for that -- I was mulling over mentioning that in the main post and decided to leave it alone, but glad you brought it up here. What I was going to say...

I question the reference that Roger has lost his "entire hearing" for which he has to wear hearing aids -- or perhaps that was a bad translation. Although it is widely reported that he did lose a lot of hearing as a result of his time with Queen, I have seen other references that characterize his condition not as definitively as "entire hearing" but rather "partially deaf," with the hearing aids helping to bring his hearing as close to normal as possible.

But if anyone has any further illumination on this, please do share -- and I agree, @4:06am, a concert review is an odd place to make note of this fact.

Unknown said...

In the German text it says he lost his entire hearing (gesamte means entire). In an interview RT says he has a considerable hearing loss and tinnitus.

Dee R Gee said...

It is apparent that Roger certainly can hear, although with the help of hearing aids. He carries on normal conversation. I wager that lots of veteran rock musicians suffer from hearing loss. It's a consequence of the job.

This review was quite positive. These translation are really kind of fun. They add a local flavor to the show! Seems like this writer liked Adam a lot and recognized his talent right away.
Thanks for the post, broddy.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

"Old saying you cannot be in two Kirtagen with a butt"???????????

Anybody get the meaning of this phrase? For the most part I got what the article was trying to say ... although being ancient myself ... I found it rather unnecessary for the author to reflect on the health/inabilities of both Brian & Roger. What has that to do with their musical capabilies which to me seem TOTALLY UNimpaired?? They both perform 'beautifully' .. IMO. Naturally they aren't as 'flexible & exhuberant' as ADAM but who is over the age of 50? And don't forget we're talking about ADAM ... I get tired just watching him with all that energy! That was my main objection to this article ... maybe I'm just a little sensitive ...

I love hearing Brian play those soulful pieces on his guitar ... and Roger sure can give those drums 'whatfer' when the occasion arises ... so GOD Bless them BOTH & ADAM too. I hope they go on playing long after I'm no longer here to enjoy them ... Long Live QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam; the nerve of you, STOP with all that exciting sexy energy; you'er making the rest of us feel old???????

JAK said...

I imagine many people who were rock fans, are rock fans, and the band members themselves, might have some degree of hearing loss! I went to concerts where sound systems made the floor vibrate!
Right up thru the Michael Bolton days I wore tissues in my ears to try to deaden the LOUDNESS. It really didn't help much. :-))))

Anonymous said...

I think mentioning Roger and Brian's age/health etc was in poor taste. They are both doing a brilliant job, a gazillion times better than a lot of those drummers and guitarists half their age.

Unknown said...

"You cannot be in two Kirtagen with a (one) butt." LOL!
Kirtage means wedding. So with only one behind you can't be (or dance as the original phrase is) at two weddings at the same time. In other words, you have to choose.