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Adam Lambert in the Hungarian newspaper Popcorn

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, March 04, 2015


Unknown said...

An article in Czech web:

And here (with some help of Bing and my edit) is translation to English:

Although it might seem that Adam Lambert is trying to earn a few more dollars as a singer on the current tour of the band Queen till his star is dimmed, completely the opposite is true. This year will be in the sign of the return of the American singer and how the first information suggests it will be a return in style.

Adam Lambert is planning to issue a new album in early summer, which he named "The Original High". It would not be so significant, if under this album were signed by gentlemen Max Martin and Shellback. Two producing ACEs that have, for example, a mammoth share of the success of the last album Taylor Swift "1989", are almost a guarantee of success. And if the result of the cooperation is at least half as good as is with Taylor, a new album of Adam Lambert will become one of the most important titles of this year.

Adam says on his album a lot of waffle news so far, but had the opportunity to talk to him for a moment after the Prague concert, and so there are a few pieces of information after all: "I spent in the studio with Max and Shellback the first two months of last year. I had no other professional commitments at that moment, and so we have composed and recorded almost every day. From the result I'm excited and I feel as if it started a new era of my life-emotionally, lyrically and sonically... We want to introduce first single the first day of April and I already can't wait to see what my fans say. But if they are waiting some glam rock again, they will be really surprised, "said Adam exclusively and added the name and a teaser of the single. Both, however, we have to keep for ourselves so far.

In his words, however, was possible to notice not only the great expectations and feeling of satisfaction with well done work, but also happiness. As Lambert said, he´s glad that he finally found the label that fully supports him in his musical creativity. After two albums issued by Sony Music he recently signed a lucrative contract with the record label Warner Music. Its Czech branch will ensure that the album "The Original High" will be possible to get to his domestic fans, a very strong community of "Glamberts”, in time.

Unknown said...

Oh - and here is the man who wrote it:

Best regards from Czech republic 8^)

Anonymous said...

Papers and magazines all
Over the world that's are world wide Rock star. Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the translate Drakulka you are spoiling us :) :)

Dee R Gee said...

Already we can see a difference in the exposure that Adam is getting for his new album. MM and Shellback do pack a punch in the cred department. It makes people sit up and take notice. Hope the promo really takes off as the first single release gets closer. I know we'll all support him with everything we've got.

And thank you, Drakulka. The article is really encouraging. Your translation skills are much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

OT: maybe related to Adam's accompanying band for upcoming appearances: Someone mentioned over on ATOP that Tommy had quit the band that he is with now; and they thought it may have something to do with Adam! Said they were hoping for a change after Queen! But, of course; that will be Adam's decision, not up to fans!

Dee R Gee said...

Maybe Warner Bros. will have a say in who Adam's next band will be. I don't know how that all works. Speculation is running wild already. I happen to like Tommy. He has had lots of time to hone his skills since his last gigs with Adam. If he's back, I'm OK with it as long as the band as a whole is strong. I'll bet Adam's new band is "in the works," whoever the members will be.

Anonymous said...

Honing his guitar skill won't do anything for his lack of spirit, his lack of personality while performing. You can barely hear him play. He may be a nice guy, I don't know, but he's a limp nothing on stage.

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much, Drakulka for your translation of the positive Czech article - much appreciated!

Re Adam's "new" band - I hope he has male backup singers. They suit his voice far more than female backup singers.