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Adam Lambert liked Sauli's juggling video!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

No wonder he liked it. Sauli is very talented. He attended some circus school as a child.

Dee R Gee said...

Wow! He's a very good juggler! He's got some pretty complicated moves in there.

Dee R Gee said...

Didn't know about the circus school thing. He's very coordinated.

Anonymous said...

He juggled at Dancing on Ice competition on some show when he was skating. That looked difficult. It was some trick theme dance.

Anonymous said...

I just love Sauli! So glad he and Adam are still connected <3

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too Lambertlust. So glad they're still very close ��

Anonymous said...

"If I should stay I would only be in your way.
So I'll go but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way.
And I will always love you...

Bittersweet memories, that is all I'm taking with me. So goodbye, please don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you need. And I will always love you..."

I have dedicated Whitney Houston's song "I will always love you" to Adam and Sauli. Impossible but true, real love.

Anonymous said...

Good juggler at first I thought it was on a fast motion mode.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli has been practicing.
I don't agree with the song, I don't think it fits at all. I believe they are both working on a plan where they will be together, maybe not this year, but maybe next year. They so obviously still love each other. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the private trainers might be part of what Sauli is working toward, and possibly work in the US. Just my own pipe dream.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's eyes are so tender at the beginning of this IG-vid and Sauli's talented moves look so effortless. Hmmm...the big clock behind Sauli's back;). ... time passes quickly...:)))
and my heart melts . Good feelings from this vid clip and from Adam's IGpics lately. Kindred

Anonymous said...

I am curious to see if Adam will do anything for Sauli's birthday. He has given him a party the last 4 years, but now that Sauli is back in Finland and working weekends. Adam still might do something, he is at loose ends right now, but probably will start being busy when his single comes in April. Anne Marie

Gabi said...

Sauli juggling. Very interesting. I really adore him and I liked seeing him by Adam's side. Is he trying to juggle things better in order to make it work with someone special? I am sensing good vibes:)

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli have still shared some very nice times and there has to be a close friendship. Sauli was with Adam on his birthday weekend, which had to mean a lot to Adam. Also special are the Sauli and Queen photos on the jet. It's good Adam has someone close to depend upon, as well as other friends and family while on tour. Think Sauli was always a more private person with regard to his personal life, so perhaps neither will feel the need to alter their single status, as that makes things easier.

Dee R Gee said...

Sauli is so darn cute. How could anyone not fall in love with him? And as an added bonus, he's a great juggler! LOL! I think he and Adam are crazy about each other, plain and simple. JMO

Anonymous said...

wow awesome

Anonymous said...

Impressed! THAT is not easy!!!
Whose got the balls now... lol!

JAK said...

Whitney Huston sang the great song.....
But Dolly Parton wrote the great song.

You gotta give the country music writers credit, no one can write heartbreaking ballads by the ton like they do...snif snif (,-.-,)

Anonymous said...

No secret messages, he:s just juggling.

Unknown said...

Love Adam and love Sauli,both awesome people. So happy they are still friends.

Anonymous said...

I love these little surprises Sauli gives from time to time on his IG. He gives me always many reasons to smile ,
Adam has that similar effect on me too:). One seemingly little thing can sometimes make me laugh all day, sooo happiness is a catching thing!:D

Anonymous said...

Country music writers aren't the only ones who pen heartbreaking ballads.

Anonymous said...

Fifth year is going on...

Anonymous said...

Wonder if there is any significance in Sauli standing in front of the clock. He has done that before. Beautiful young man, so happy that he seems to make Adam happy too. That's what friends are for.

Anonymous said...

Might be that Sauli is juggling some time to be with Adam again, like he did when he went to the UK to be with Adam. With the huge distance between them, cannot imagine how that could work, but you never know.

Anonymous said...

Who is this secret message of clocks and juggling for? Can't Sauli just call Adam and tell him?

Anonymous said...

Sauli has said they talk almost every day, but just like Adam, Sauli likes to joke around too. I think if this was in his mind, it is quite clever. But then again it could just be Sauli juggling, and showing he has learned a lot more juggling skills. Anyway I am glad Adam noticed and still follows him.

Anonymous said...

@10:05 AM
I 'm sure there is no any hidden meaning. It's only Sauli juggling. He has said he likes to do this when ever it's possible, with mandarins, apples etc.

Why wouldn't Adam follow him? They spent just Adam's birthday together in Amsterdam (went skating etc.) and several days together in Great Britain (Sauli attended 3 concerts and was in Queen's private jet). They are still close friends, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Resistance is futile.
Both such darlings and goofballs, socially and otherwise multitalented men. So much to love and admire!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am pretty sure that Sauli has a fan base that he is commicating with, just like Adam does! I doubt that everytime Sauli sends out pictures or likes them, they are not for Adam or Adam's fans. They are probably to all of HIS own fans, which no doubt or some of Adam's fans too.

Adam happens to see them and likes some of them, just as he likes picture of all his other friends; also some people that he has never even met; just as he likes all the other beautiful structures from other Countries and their wonderful landmarks that he post out to his fans.

No secret meanings to Sauli or anyone else, and probably the same goes for Sauli.

I am sure that Adam and Sauli or any of the other people that these two men communicate with on a personal level is done on their personal phones or by personl text messages.

All this other stuff is just for their fans; don't we all know that by now???

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam's and Sauli's IGs are fun and creative and all is obviously meant to be shared with their fans. Everything about them, captions and all, are also open to discussion. That's the FUN part figuring them out.

I'd guess that for the most part it is also fun for Adam and Sauli to see fans reactions about their pics and vids, whether they have anything to do with each other or not.

I love this juggling video, Sauli always makes me smile and sets me in a good mood.
About secret messages...I wish they exist...;D!... dancing....

Anonymous said...

Seems to me they also had a very nice Christmas vacation together for 5 days, and then came back and Sauli was up on Runyon Canyon with Adam . This romance is not over yet. If anything I believe it is stronger, because they are being more open about it now.

Anonymous said...

I have verry good vibes from them too:))).
Btw nice cap on Sauli, he is sooo sweeet... my heart...arghhhh... :D!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is talented, I tried to learn this co ordination needed in juggling for a couple of years but couldn't do it like this. Looks very easy and fun, when some one can do it!:)))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see more acrobatics, like exercise-vids please,from Adam or Sauli or both of them together:D:D, hunger grows... and thumbs up permanently for Adam's next single!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli delivered, what so many fans wished for

Sauli in the Gym

Anonymous said...

Thankey for the juggling vid admin fan!
Thankey Sauli so so much, you are handsome in your Gym vid, Adam's pics decorate my wall already now I need to add a few pics of Sauli!:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry the tag wrong: Thankey for Admin Fan.

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

Oh my.... Sauli. Wow!! His workout posture/form is perfect. (Not to mention his physique is pretty darn snappy, too!) A seasoned workout pro.....

Geesh. These two men are getting hotter and more handsome by the day... :))

Anonymous said...

Yes It's fun to follow the progress and life of both the guys Adam an Sauli, that have become so familiar during my own search of certain happiness through this site, I came after Sauli here and found this place. Thanks to the blog owner and all the admins, there are interesting topics and beautiful pics and fab music and of course my beloved Sauli is here still as on topics because of Adam's continuing interest in him.

They have both been working out their body fitness according their own personal goals and it shows already,I think they are gaining fab results seemingly fast, which surprises me. I guess that's the effect of having personal trainers. Hey, what a pleasure to watch! Forgetting my own willingness to just enjoy the free time I get just relaxing...:D:D! Kindred