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Brief Video Of Adam Lambert Arriving At LAX Upon His Return From UK/Europe Queen + Adam Lambert Tour

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, March 1, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, March 01, 2015

Very BRIEF video of Adam Lambert arriving at LAX on Saturday, February 28, 2015, after returning from the UK/Europe Queen + Adam  Lambert Tour 2015

From: X17 Video


Anonymous said...

Damn paps leave Adam alone. Why is this being posted here?

Anonymous said...

The day they aren't interested is when you should worry.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with this type of pap picture. He is a famous star after all. He certainly seemed to expect it, because he wasn't dressed as casually as he usually is for travelling. I was happy to see this picture, it let us know he was home and safe. Unfortunatly he came home to some lousy weather, he even tweeted 'hail' yesterday. We have had 2 days of rain. They didn't even have rain in Sheffield. Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

1:50 AM
Why should they leave him alone?
It's the price of fame.

Anonymous said...

1:50 AM,

Adam is known around the globe now!!:). What do you expect???:). Just take a deep breath and there is no stopping now!!!:)


Anonymous said...

This is like the end of football season only worse. We got so used to having new videos several times a week. We got so used to the wonderful reviews. We go so use to so much every day. Now we have to scale back. But we have our dreams and our memories. . . . .

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:50 AM
We posted the video of Adam here because this is an Adam Lambert fan blog.. :)) And we love seeing Adam even if just for a moment.. The paparazzi were polite.... No big deal.. They're everywhere in LA and stars are used to it.. And Adam is a star, so there you go. It's a normal fact of life in Hollywood/LA.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzy Lady. I want to see and hear about Adam anyway I can. When it's quiet for a couple of days I feel almost like a mother hen and I wonder if everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

We sure give the frequent flyer negative troll on here enough attention. Geesh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady,
please keep any and all information coming. The poster above must have thought they were on some other star's blogsite!
Lost much???

Pictures of anything Adam or anything else about him. That is why I come here; to see and hear all things Adam Superstar Lambert!

yada said...

Amen, glitzylady! Thank you. :)))

yada said...

And, 2:37AM :).....

Agreed & Well put. :)

Jean Renard said...

@Glitzy-Thank you! I always need to know that Adam is safely and soundly home in Los Angeles. And, now I know. I hope he is all curled up in his warm bed with hot tea. We are getting unprecendentedly cold weather here in Scottsdale, AZ, and Los Angeles is not that far away. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

If the Paps stopped; then we would get no pictures of our Adam out and about on the town. As long as they are respectful; bring it on!!

Tobes~ said...

I'm not sure why I'm bothering to leave a comment here, but one of the pap apologist comments left a bad taste in my mouth and even taking a walk did not clear my mind.

Here's the thing. Adam is under no obligation to respond or even give up his privacy no matter how famous he is.

"Why should they leave him alone?
It's the price of fame."

To me, this sounds like a rape analogy. 'She was asking for it' [such and such clothing] ring any bells? I mean really.

He clearly isn't interested and the fact that almost every article I've seen of this clip includes the words "low profile" and should really spell it out. but apparently not.

No. Adam deserves privacy just as much as any other human being out there. When he's on stage, doing a talk show or another public thing, that's one thing. But when he's at the airport or hanging out with friends just trying to enjoy himself. That's not 'our time' with him. That's his time.

I find it also pretty gross that the same fans who talk about respecting privacy are busy running their mouths about their theories on his relationship status with Sauli. He said they are friends, that's all we are obligated to know, because that's what he is willing to share.

Whatever. Soapbox done.

Anonymous said...

That's what is good about this site, we do have different opinions, and can voice them respectfully. I don't happen to agree with you all the way. We always like to know about anything Adam Lambert. I don't think the paps in this particular was very intrusive, they merely said "Nice glasses" Adam strode off like he was insulted. He might just have been tired, But You will never find a Glambert not interested in what Adam is doing, or who he is doing it with.
That is the price of fame. He could have even answered them, and said "watch for my new albume coming out this summer" before he walked off. He did have his car waiting for him.
I love all the news about him, and come to this site for that reason.
Adam has his private life, that only his close friends know about.
Adam only shares what he wants to share.

Tobes~ said...


I'm failing to see where you agreed at all, not even 'all the way'.

Anyway... that's the thing with paps, if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile (hell, they'll do it anyway). And sure, he could have said something, but why should he? He's even more famous now that he toured with Queen, how many people will be inclined to respect his boundaries? Certainly not paps. If he tells them to back off? He just looks like the bad guy. Walking away without saying anything is really the best option in this scenario. Don't give them fuel.

I'm absolutely interested in things about Adam. He's an all around great guy. But respecting boundaries is kind of important here.

yada said...

I appreciate your point, Tobes. And I truly appreciate how you offered it. Thank you! :))

Anonymous said...

Adam just got off of an airplane; he was probably tired; also, he may have said thanks; we could not hear everything. Adam stops and chats when he feels like it; when he does not; then he does not want to; and does not have to.

He will be just fine being himself; and no one can tell him what to do; so why try?

Adam is one of the nicest celebrities around. If some paps can't take the heat; they should stay out of the kitchen.

At least Adam does not curse them out like some other so called celebrities have done. Adam is a down to earth and wonderful human being; even the paps recognize this! If they don't so be it; they will get what they deserve in the way of his attention when he feels like it!

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, being photographed by the paps comes with the territory of being a celebrity. Of course Adam is entitled to privacy but the paps film him whenever and wherever they can.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is polite to the paps, they'll return the favor. It doesn't auger well to antagonize them.

Anonymous said...

Dayum some people so serious makes me laugh and cry. I can't believe the word rape even entered the picture on this thread. Sooo creepy. I mean really.

glitzylady said...

Adam is always polite... I would assume he was tired and was focused on getting into that car after his very long (10 hr or so) flight from (I'm assuming..) London to LA, with perhaps a stop in between....

@Tobes 2:40 PM
Thanks for your comments..

I absolutely AGREE with you 100% regarding Adam's private friends, family, ex's, his home, etc.. etc.. It is his to live and he is under no obligation to share anything he wishes to keep private.. I say good for him.

He has, out of necessity AND experience, decided to keep private things private, after years of being a self-described "unfiltered open book".. .. And he has said as much, first right after the break up with Sauli, that he would no longer discuss his relationship, his private life, etc.. And he has done just that. It's clear he's learned the fine art of keeping a secret (his new music for one....) as hard as I suspect it is for him to do so sometimes.. I'm sure he's DYING to tell us more about it.. and he will undoubtedly be THRILLED to finally release that first single!!!! As will we ALL!!!!

And in general, since we're on the subject here.....

I do have to comment a bit about the paparazzi in LA/Hollywood. It's rather different in LA than it is elsewhere.. They are pretty much everywhere, especially at places celebs hang out.. Including the airport terminals.. And restaurants.. and clubs, etc.. I've experienced it myself, weirdly enough. Coming out of a private party at a (well known) club one night in Hollywood, the men (in that case..) with cameras appeared out of the darkness, cameras raised and ready.. When they saw that my group included no one of importance, they turned and went back to the edge of the curb, waiting to see who else would emerge.. It is what it is.....

I think Adam is used to this type of thing.. AND He certainly doesn't have to respond to them if he doesn't want to.. But they'll still take the pictures & videos.. It truly is part of the celebrity life in LA. He can choose to engage in conversation or he can choose to ignore and move on to where he was headed.. In this case the town car and driver waiting for him at the curb.. After 10 hours in an airplane (not to mention almost 2 months on the road doing high intensity shows night after night..not to mention his recent bout of bronchitis..) , one is ready to go to home sweet home and fall into bed... Been there, done that..

I personally believe that as long as the ever-present paparazzi are polite, are not rude, intrusive, threatening, nasty, insulting, physically too close, demanding of his time... there's no harm in some paparazzi pics & vids.. Adam has learned to deal with them in his own way.. To be honest, it's amazing to me how much he successfully eludes them.. With Adam back in LA we'll undoubtedly be seeing more pap pics of him..

I personally don't have a problem with the paps taking pictures of him on the street, at the airport, etc.., at a "public" appearance where it is expected.. I WOULD have a problem with them taking pictures over the fence of his house, through his windows, etc.. etc.. That is definitely over the line.. And a complete invasion of his privacy..

Just my opinion....

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure with as many celebrities as fly in and out of the LA airport, the paps are staked out. You could hear the clicks of what sounded to me like numerous cameras. I'm guessing when a person is traveling, sometimes they're more in the mood for a little conversation and sometimes they just want to be left alone. I kind of compare it to when I go to our local Costco; right after you go in, there's a guy staked out who is trying to sell you satellite TV, and I made the mistake one time of smiling and saying "hi", then got drawn into the sales pitch. Now when I go in, I look down at my shopping list or anywhere else but try to make eye contact. Silly, huh?

Yeah, I think as long as they don't actually stake out his house and follow him in traffic, I'm ok with it. I like to look at the pics in magazines as much as other people.


Tobes~ said...

@11:03 PM
Revenge on privacy for getting told to piss off? That's some scary stuff.

@11:42 PM
So, that kind of thing is a joke to you? Impressive. I mean... anyone who laughs at that kind of thing...

@11:49 PM
I have zero respect for anyone who takes on such a profession and acts that way. And the fact it's considered normal? Damn, a celeb can't even tell them to leave them alone without looking like a villain. And his only 'safe place' is his house? What about at restaurants, the grocery store, clubs, etc when he's with friends or family, don't those people deserve a little more respect than that too?

I find it absurd how normal that behavior is considered.

kitty said...

Eye roll x3

Anonymous said...

I think 11:42 was as commenting on the extremity of the reactions/language.

Comparing the paparazzi experience to rape trivializes rape, especially when the comparison is made in response to a cliché about the price of fame; a fact of celebrity life which Adam himself has acknowledged in interviews.

Anonymous said...

10:03 yes your comment is exactly what I would have written at 11:42 if I could express myself like you do. Kudos to good writers like you I am stuck in the 5th grade somewhere..