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Adam Lambert GhostTown #3 Top Music Videos U.S. iTunes!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, April 29, 2015


JAK said...

Super! How long does a song have to stay at or near the top to be considered safely 'a hit'? I realize this is iTunes, which rating is the most important........Billboard?
There are so many music charts. I need to know which one to cheer for!

Anonymous said...

Cool. Omg, I was just checking GT's stats on iTunes this morning, for the single... and I completely SPACED that I could purchase the MV from iTunes, silly me, I'll buy it later! Go Adam :)

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: Number One on iTunes!! @shoshannastone @adamlambert #GhostTown 👻👻👻 Ghost Town by Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

It IS #1 On Itunes NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but it seems like his video should have more than 68,000 views already

Anonymous said...

10:58 here. I just bought it. Yup, #1, woohoo. Regarding the views, at the risk of completely embarrassing and exposing myself, we are supposed to go to the youtube link and watch that one, right?

Anonymous said...

No doubt! #1 material

I´m so thrilled about GT music video that I`m from here to the moon, so proud. So v´catchy so modern video brilliant dancers totally handsome Adam (and boot... yes)!!!!

Die hard fan or not : ) I was listening today two radio channels at the same time! Via wed and radio.. and I heard GT twice!! Earlier I told GT in on three Finnish radio stations and now it´s two more! At least! This is so little country that most of them are nationwide. Also heard WWFM : ))

Love this era3 too,


Anonymous said...

Some or saying there is some kind of You tube glitch, whether true or not; does not matter. Both the lyric and the video are still getting steady hits!

Also, I thought the main reason for the videos were to gain interest for the Cd coming out; and it is doing that, TOH has benefited greatly from those views!

Also, Radio and other media are besides themselves. I would say that Adam and Fans should be pretty happy about now. But, can we in no means stop now!!! It will probably be a long heavy hall; but, so many people are getting acquainted with Adam every day.

Don't forget to watch Ellen tomorrow for a special handsome guest with the initials of, AML, he will probably get a big boost from that. Just can't wait!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Slow and steady for the win! Took six years to get this far and I am here to stay; and so is ADAM "Don't Stop Me Now" LAMBERT!!

Anonymous said...

Can you hear Adam now??????

I hope you can hear me loud and clear, YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the no.1 great singer has now has the no. 1 video. I just bought it. Such a different video and song I do not believe any thing quite like this song out there. The song and video so addictive. Just bought it. Sue

Dee R Gee said...

Yay!!!! This is the best news! I bought mine and I hope everyone keeps buying it. I want him to stay at the top of the list for long time!

yada said...

Hi Sue!! So happy to see you posting with us more regularly again :)))......

And you bet GT is addictive! (of course, it's not surprise.... Adam himself is addictive;))

..... My young son heard the song only ONCE and complains later saying, "mom- ahhhggg! I can't get that song out of my brain! I keep wanting to sing it over and over...."

Lolol.... My poor baby. ;(

Anonymous said...

It's not a glitch with YouTube. It always lags behind and stalls at certain places like 300. It will catch up.

Anonymous said...

JAK Billboard is more important. iTunes numbers are included in Billboard weekly rankings.

11:58 AM, yes, watch it at Adam's official YT channel.

JAK said...

@ 4:37. Many thanks...

Anonymous said...

Can someone please give me the link to the iTunes charts in the US? Thanks.

Magiclady said...

In LA and haven't heard it yet on KIIS 102.7, but cannot listen at work. Still waiting.

Anonymous said...

@ magiclady, I have yet to hear it as well on the radio here in the Boston area. Very frustrating!