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AdamTweet: Another ALN "moo" question...

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, June 18, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, June 18, 2015


Anonymous said...

Glamour's 100 sexiest men in the world 2015

Anonymous said...

It's kind of a jolt in the song and definitely sounds like a "moo". :-D

Anonymous said...

The positive reviews just keep coming ...............

Dee R Gee said...

I think the yeah/moo is just fun and sets the song apart a little. ALN is one of my favorites on TOH. The moo is part of Lambert lore. :)

Went to the Sexiest Men list and saw Adam but didn't go through the whole list. Who is #1?

The Philly review is very good! The reviews have been overwhelmingly positive for TOH!

Anonymous said...

Adam says it wasn't a moo; so there's that! Only a few people are harping on to it; I also think that this guy just posted to rub in what he has heard; or was aked to do so because he is a guy. So what? Adam should stop answering the silly question; let people think what they want.

Evidently, Adam does not find it all that funny. All his hard work; and it comes to this. If you think it is a moo, ok, now what? just let it be! Unless Adam wants to bring it up then it is not valid to keep commenting one it. Treat him with respect. I never hear other singers get dragged about by their fans like this. Kinda childish if you ask me. Since no one did ask me; "THERE i SAID IT", anyway!!!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glad that's put to bed.

Anonymous said...

8:35 AM, I agree, it seems to bother Adam that people think it is a moo. I don't understand why fans who supposedly love Adam keep making jokes about it. It does show a lack of respect. I hope fans will stop talking about it or doing things like giving him toy cows.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add here that idk if you readers don't listen to a lot of EDM or Pop or Dance or R&B, etc., but this "device" that Adam is using in ALN is not really that new and fresh and it's not like it's never been done before, I am not saying that to throw shade toward Adam and ALN, I am just mentioning it because I personally recognized it as "yeah" right from the get go, and maybe that's because it was not the first time I was hearing this sort of transitional device used in a modern song.