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AdamTweet: Canada's "etalk" MMVAs Interview

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 22, 2015

Adam's link above is to CTV, which you can watch directly on their page; but, as they have the type of video embed code that does not work properly on Blogger, and to have the video directly on this post, here is a fan's YouTube:


Anonymous said...

Thanks broddybounce.

Lovely interview. I smiled all the way through it. Adam's laugh is gorgeous. <333

Anonymous said...

Just when I think I can not possibly dig this dude any more than I already do... he goes and does that adorkable drawing... I mean like, it was GOOD! lol. That was a nice interview imo. He is so magnetic and charming, that's not even a matter of debate anymore :).