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Germany's "Energy" NRJ Radio: Adam Guest DJ!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, June 22, 2015

Posted at : Monday, June 22, 2015

4-part audio stream of Adam guest DJ'ing on Germany's "Energy" NRJ Radio.  Click link to find Adam's page on their site to play the audio as their player has no embed code: 


Anonymous said...

Why isn't this translated for us?

Anonymous said...

9:30 AM, the little written intro at the site can be translated at Google Translate but that really isn't necessary. All it says is Adam Lambert did a take-over of their station playing his favorite songs and click below to listen.

Just click on the arrow over Adam's face to listen. It even says play in English.

Adam introduces each song in the playlist.

choons said...

Interesting - Adam played The Wkend - and parts of his song resemble parts of Underground. (at least to me ...)