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Tweets from Adam's Friends on TOH

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Anonymous said...

There is also a tweet from Tove Lo (singing Rumours with Adam). Adam retweeted her very nice tweet.

Anonymous said...

Had not seen the previous post about Tove Lo's tweet. Thx.

Anonymous said...

Other artists/friends complimenting Adam on his new album - excellent!

Anonymous said...

Has this article been posted already?

Anonymous said...

A review from Socialite Life:

Anonymous said...

Hi! please vote for Adam if you're willing to:
Adam's vote is dropping significantly in hours

Anonymous said...

The Gizzle Review:-

Anonymous said...

Turned on 102.7 in NYC early this morning and the female dj was raving about having met Adam last night at a promo. She talked about how gorgeous he was(didn't really recognize him from his Idol days) and the tattoos. She loved the new album and I think she was just mesmerized by him. I hope all the promo appearances and the great reviews for TOH bring Adam all the recognition and success that he so deserves in today's music business. I bought the cd yesterday in Target and absolutely can't get enough of listening to it. Right now my favorite song is "Evil in the Night" and thinking ahead, I hope that it is released as his next single.

Anonymous said...

Vote vote vote!! Arianna's voters have almost caught up with us.