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From Idolator: Adam Lambert #TheOriginalHigh Interview

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 19, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 19, 2015

From Idolator:

Adam Lambert Talks Chasing ‘The Original High’ & The Funky, Housey Sound Of His New Album: Idolator Interview

                                            Photo Credit: Adam Lambert via Idolator

Quotes from the much longer interview: Read the rest of the Q & A at the embedded link above

Be aware there are 2 pages.. the link above takes you to page 1, click on 2 at the bottom of the page to go to the second page..

You worked with a lot of writers and producers on your two post-Idol albums, and then had Max and Shellback executive-produce The Original High, which plays like a very solid, cohesive effort.

AL: Yeah. It feels like the most cohesive thing I’ve done. I realize that. I think that was one of the goals. In talking with them initially, I asked them, “What do you think works for me and what do you think didn’t?” And one of the things they said was, “Well, you were kind of all over the place in the last couple albums — you do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of this. Let’s do something that feels like a body of work.” And I was really wanting that. I think the tricky thing is is that I have a very broad fan base. I have people that got to know me on Idol, and I have younger people as well, and there are gay fans and international fans. Everybody maybe has their own favorite thing that I do, so how do we melt it all together and make it feel current? It was a little tricky to crack the code, but I think they did it. I mean, “Ghost Town,” the reason why I pushed for that as the first single is because it’s this perfect blend of two different things in one — we have this really cool, edgy ’90s throwback house thing happening, but it starts with that spaghetti western, acoustic folk-pop thing. I felt like, you know what, if this is the first thing back from me, like a re-introduction, I love that it’s just my voice and a guitar to start with. Because it’s pure and it’s emotional and I love the story that it tells. It’s a bit dark and poetic.

Last question before you have to go: You wrapped the tour with Queen earlier this year. Can we assume your own tour is coming up?

AL: I want to. I have commitments to the end of the year to promote this thing. I’m very fortunate that there’s international interest, so I get to go to all these different places around the world to promote the album. That takes a little while to get that all moving. But I’d love to tour this album. I already have a few ideas. I’m not sure what yet, but it’ll feel different from the stuff that I’ve done in the past. I want to do something innovative and interesting; something that matches the music and the sonic vibe of it. Probably wouldn’t be till next year if it happens.


Gabi said...

Definitely one of the better interviews. No default "gay" or Idol questions and just talk about the music and selected tracks. Very good. I'm sure Adam appreciated that.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the word"if" it happens when Adam talks about a tour for TOH. All his fans want to see him tour again and I am sure he does with the songs in this album. I guess it depends on the numbers in sales and the overall acceptance of this album by the public. Warner music and Adam's management have done so much to promote TOH here at home and this past week in NYC had Adam appearing and/or performing somewhere each day. I loved seeing him on GMA for their summer concert series. All the hosts just gushed over him and the new songs. Both his appearance and performance were flawless and there seemed to be fans of all ages in the audience singing along to the songs. Is this the make it or break it album for Adam? I suppose we will just have to wait and see. With so much "garbage" out there in music right now performed by sub-par singers and rappers, for me Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in music today and should be recognized for this terrific new album.

Anonymous said...

'If' won't exist in Australia! TOH is now #4 on the Australian Aria Charts!
Adam now thanking Aussie fans. YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Fabulous interview! Some new insights into TOH. Sounds like Adam was a lot more busy than we thought he was after the RCA breakup. Good for him! He was seeking out new people and new people were seeking him out as well.