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From popglitz: Adam Lambert Talks His Coming Out Process, Finding Himself & More In Out Magazine

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 24, 2015

To semi coincide with the release of his third studio album The Original High, which was released on Tuesday, June 16th, American Idol alum Adam Lambert covers the July 2015 issue of Out magazine.

Inside the issue, Glambert speaks on his coming out in 2009, changing his fashion style, his new album and much more. Take a look at a few of the excerpts below, and then take a look at his sexy black and white photoshoot with photographer Jack Waterlot afterwards, where he wears pieces from Ann Demeulemeester and Givenchy:

Read the whole article here!


Anonymous said...

Please stop leaving rude and complaining comments on the Out Magazine story. Shosh has asked this before. It is so embarrassing to read the comments.

Unknown said...

Great interview, gorgeous pics, will be picking up this issue of Out magazine. Proud to be a fan of this incredibly talented young man!

Lam-My said...

The 2 Adam Out Magazine covers I've seen are very tasteful and the black/white tones fit the magazines. Symbolically, it's the dual nature, black and white, conjoin, contrast as one beautiful picture like this particular cover.
Adam mentions he wished he had some kind of blueprint or advice that could help him along the way as a gay person; alas, he had little other than his accepting loving family, which is actually the most important blueprint I think. If a child/teenager feels comfortable and not bashed up by the very persons he can lean on...then it's that much easier for him/her to grope his way Out. Now, I think Adam has given the young gays of this era, a face, a voice, their niche, to a large extent.

Anonymous said...

Has Adam forgotten how bold, trailblazing and courageous he was - and HOW MUCH AND HOW MANY he HELPED by being the BEST ADAM HE COULD BE AT THAT TIME! He literally changed and saved people's lives and/or was a great catalyst for these changes. NEVER FORGET ADAM, you have left your mark in the history already many years ago!

Please somebody, don't let him forget these things now that he's "matured" (sorry, hate that word!) and is perhaps trying to "blend in for the mainstreamers" and commercial success.

Don't get me wrong, not criticizing Adam, I love him each and every day, just want him to remember that HE himself has been "writing that guide book" by being young, idealistic, bold, rebellious, foolish, passionate, frustrated and inventive, lost and yet full of wisdom. Participating in writing that book is far more valuable than buying a copy of the current print! He has been changing things by living his own kind of life and so many including myself are forever grateful to have seen and experienced all this "ADAM TIME" with him, hoping for many more years and adventures to come!