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FUSE: Adam Lambert Quiz!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, June 13, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, June 13, 2015

Our friends at, honorary Glamberts that they are, have created a terrific little quiz in honor of the release of Adam's new album, The Original High.   These actually are not the usual easy questions that, say, casual watchers of Idol can answer you do have to have some real insight into Adam and his career.  Here's one example:

What was the name of the band he briefly joined before auditioning for 'Idol'?

fuse's Jeff Benjamin wrote the quiz, and his diligence in putting it together is, I'm sure, greatly appreciated by all of us.

I'm mortified to reveal that, of the ten questions, I got one wrong! — the reason being: I didn't read the question carefully enough.  Can you guess which one?  I'll answer in comments later.

What was the name of the band he briefly joined before auditioning for 'Idol'? - See more at:


broddybounce said...

Clue to my mis-answered question: hmm, what photo did I choose for this post?

Anonymous said...

JAK says......I got all of them my age is that 'cool' or more than slightly 'creepy' ???

glitzylady said...

Got 'em all right... \0/

It's cool of course! At any age

General comment:

It's not to late for Adam to try out that Chippendale dancer thing...


Anonymous said...

JAK says....That's an interesting thought. If you could choose a Chippendale/Magic Mike crew, who would you choose? I'm forming a group in my mind....since I've never seen either of the two mentioned, I'll guess maybe 8 guys? Any line of mine has to have Gerard Butler (my make believe pool boy), now I will give serious thought to the remaining 6....6 since of course Adam would be included.

Anonymous said...

Got the same question wrong! I actually didn't finish reading it, I just was in a hurry to post his 29/29 water campaign. Duh.
OT-Glitzy or Broddy I can't seem to find my way into voting for GT on VH1. Keeps taking me to the video segments of the hostess (ugh!) Adam's GT slipped back to 17 and I wanted to go vote to get it moving again. Can you help?

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glitzylady said...

Oooops!!! wrong thread!!

Dee R Gee said...

Adam as a Chippendale dancer would set the earth spinning on its axis so fast, I think we'd all fly off into outer space. Actually, I think I'd just faint first.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:08 AM

All you have to do to vote is listen to the VH1 Adam Lambert Ghost Town video to count as a vote..

Here's the link:

Jadam NZ said...

Was it the Bruno Mars one? Wrong album. I got them all, wish I had been this dedicated to retaining information while at school. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Before I started answering them, I though uh oh, how many am I going to get wrong but surprised myself, answering them all correctly.

Anonymous said...

Wow that was surprisingly easy; all of them right. I can't tell if that's awesome or slightly creepy but I think I can officially call myself an educated Glambert.

broddybounce said...

@11:08: Yup! Exactly, it was the charity question. I answered "Charity: Water" forgetting slightly about DonorsChoose but forgetting significantly about Nigel's charity -- OOPS! Thanks for all your comments guys! :)))