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GMA Video Feast! (June 19, 2015)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Very exciting while perusing YouTube I found not one, but two chunky videos taken at GMA that were posted in the days following Adam's June 19th appearance on the show that, somehow, we had missed!

The first is a fan vid of Adam's entire 20+-minute soundcheck, done in front of the audience at the GMA stage at Central Park.  It was posted on YouTube by user Adam's Jersey Girl, who is none other than our beloved friend Jesha84, who is one of the longtime unofficial Adam concert videographers (similar to the also popular suz526) who has been posting excellent high quality videos for the past six years, ever since the Season 8 Idols tour.  Be sure to take a look at her YouTube account and watch some of the other wonderful videos she's done (including Q+AL) and, if you are so inclined, give her video a "thumbs-up" and leave any feedback you like.  So, to Jesha84....thank you!

The next video is not just Adam's four performances on the show (well, all of the first three songs and the first half of EITN), but video keeps rolling at the GMA stage during the commercial breaks, so you get to experience what it was like to be in the audience for almost the entire appearance, and to see what the production crew and Adam were doing between each song!  Thank you to YouTube user smooth28la who somehow got his/her hands on the video of the GMA feed that morning.

NOTE: As one of our readers noted, yes, the audio in the above video is slightly out of sync, which may have been a technical error that occurred when the original video was uploaded to YouTube, and this we cannot help.  But the main purpose of showing this video is so that you can see what happened during commercial breaks.  Indeed, we already posted several excellent videos of each song performance on the show Glitzylady put all of it together in this great post from June 19th:


Anonymous said...

The sound check video was good but the second video is very poor quality Adam's voice is out of sync with the music. Thankfully I saved the original vids from the GMA concert into my favourites, the quality to these is exceptional.

Unknown said...

And feast it is, thank you for putting these videos up. I' m sure I have seen every video of this performance that is out there but I never pass up the chance to watch any video of Adam. Loving all of his new music and enjoying this brand new era!

Anonymous said...

I already have the set of videos from Adam's appearance on GMA saved in my favorites. In fact, I played it again last night because he was so amazing during that summer concert for all the fans. Adam looked and sounded amazing. Such a pleasure to see how much Robin Roberts really enjoyed talking to him. I listen to 102.7NYC here in northeast NJ and have heard GT practically every day esp. in the morning hours. Love Adam's new music and also his new look.

CT said...

Yes, me too! Saved all the GMA vids (some of my very favorites of all his performances). He looked and sounded amazing! I'm loving TOH album....all tracks....on repeat in my car and streaming! Congrats Adam and your team! Era 3 coming up a winner <3333

glitzylady said...

Thanks to @broddybounce for finding and posting these additions to our existing set of GMA vids!!!! Loved seeing the soundcheck and the un-televised parts too.. Makes me feel like I was there (sadly was not..)...