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More TOH & GT Reviews

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, June 11, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, June 11, 2015

Here are some more album reviews we've sourced:

And one more review of Ghost Town:


Anonymous said...

Thanks, broddybounce. The excellent reviews keep coming and that's a mighty fine thing!!

Anonymous said...

The album is dropping in a few hours in Oz! Everyone's sooo excited!

Dee R Gee said...

Hope TOH explodes in OZ! We are SO close to the U.S. release. I can taste it.

Anonymous said...

I WILL LOVE ADAM FOR ETERNITY...AND BEYOND! However, with that stated, I really do not love this album. It does nothing to showcase the fabulousness that is Adam Lambert. The songs are okay, some of the lyrics very hokey, but I just don't see any of them really becoming a "big hit". Of course, maybe that shouldn't be the goal. I will return to the gloriousness of listening incessantly to my faves of Adam (still hooked on my AI home-made CD).

The solution to him putting out the right sound, the right songs, is to let his fans help him with his choices. He is SELLING HIMSELF SHORT by trying to fit into the overcrowded pop niche. So far, his sound is so eclectic I don't even know what to think - and that's not really a compliment. FIND YOUR SOUND ADAM! WE ALREADY HEARD IT!!! QUIT GOING TO SWEDEN!!! FOLLOW YOUR HEART (and your die-hard Glamberts). WE LOVE YOU! BUT, hope this CD does well despite my singular opinion that no one really cares about.

Anonymous said...

There are more of us that feel like you than you may think. What makes me sad is I think he has found his sound and this it!

Anonymous said...

is it.

Anonymous said...

9:17 AM
I couldn't agree more. I ADORE Adam but I don't adore this album. It doesn't compare favourably with his absolutely outstanding previous albums. I think Adam nailed it when he executive-produced his Trespassing album - such a masterpiece - and his For Your Entertainment album is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I agree too. I think a lot of us aren't voicing our opinions for the fear of backlash, especially on this site.

The album is nothing but EDM, which I really dislike. All I can do is hope for this albums success so Adam makes another and hopefully changes direction again.

Anonymous said...

Most die-hard Glamberts are 50+, almost or more than twice his age. Adam's current views on his favorite music and what he wants to record are bound to be different from most of these more mature aged fans... That's how life goes.

Those die-hard fans who still want new experiences, are willing to come out of their comfort zones, challenge their more or less jaded views and tastes in music are at least willing to try it out, wait until the new music is officially released and they've had the chance to properly listen to the songs before making up their mind...

Then there are (like in every fandom) those die-hard fans who LOVE everything Adam records, sings, does and/or says. For them any music by Adam is pure joy, especially performed LIVE!

And of course then there are various variations from these "tongue-in-cheek" made main categories"... :)))

Which category you feel closest to?

Anonymous said...

JAK says.....I belong to the category who will pass on this album, but wish it great success. I will just lie in the dark in my room listening to the cast albums of Broadway musicals and imagine that's Adam singing in West Side Story....Camelot....Kiss Me Kate, etc.
sniffle, sniffle, sob.
I feel a little weepy that the best tenor to come along in years has no desire to stand on stage and belt out If Ever I Would Leave You.
But c'est la vie.......his voice , his choice.
Perhaps "electro grunge" music, as it was described in a review, will fade away before I do!