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Via The Verge Blog: "This Weeks Most Important Songs": Adam Lambert's 'Another Lonely Night'

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 19, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 19, 2015

Via The

This week's Most Important Songs: Nate Ruess, Adam Lambert, And More...


Welcome to The Verge's new roundup of the most important music from the week that was. I'm Jamieson, I'll be your host, and I'm going to keep this recurring collection as omnivorous, exciting, challenging, and alphabetical as possible. This week we're starting it off right with Adam Lambert, Miguel, Robyn, and more.

Adam Lambert, "Another Lonely Night":

Lambert released 'The Original High' this week, his third full-length and first since leaving RCA for Warner Bros. The album was executive produced by pop gods Max Martin and Shellback, and it shows: this thing is absolutely gleaming, a frothy mix of pop, rock, and dance music that Lambert sings to within an inch of its life. He's taken major steps forward since leaving American Idol, cutting his insane vocal power with newfound control and subtlety. "Another Lonely Night" is fine proof, a lovelorn, throbbing electro-pop ballad that closes with some absurd vocal pyrotechnics. Be proud, Glamberts.
Adam Lambert's 'Another Lonely Night' on Spotify


Anonymous said...

I really like ALN but my fave is EITN. I have that chorus HEY! down pat and my cousin sings Bongs over Broadway instead of bombs over Broadway . I think he is trying to tell me something I don't want to hear. Lol

Anonymous said...

ALN for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Will tagged people be deleted if they are mean?

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone here to support Adam Lambert want to be mean? The Mean Girl movie was a teen thing wasn't it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love that song ;)

Anonymous said...

I love ALN! It is my ear worm at the moment (it's in my head when I wake up etc.). At first I was annoyed about that "moo" but I've got used to it. Lovely song. I also love Underground, TOH and EITN. But most ALN and UG. I have not listened to this album very much but other songs didn't touch me at first listen so much as these. I don't like GT, but I can stand it when Adam sings it live.

Anonymous said...

OH, and one more (2:43 AM): There I Said It. Great, great song!

Anonymous said...


The Original High album has debuted on the Australian ARIA Album Chart (one of THE OFFICIAL CHARTS like Billboard) at #4.

ARIA Digital Albums Chart at #5.

ARIA Singles Chart for Ghost Town at #17.

ARIA Digital Singles Chart for Ghost Town at #16.

I don't know how much radio promo Adam's latest music has received in Australia because I rarely listen to the radio but in an extremely competitive field, WELL DONE, Adam! <333

Anonymous said...

Absolutely for me it's TISI and then ALN! Coming in 3rd it's TOH. Still bonding with the others and liking this album a whole lot. It really does showcase Adam's voice. Even my "non-fan" friends are warming up and asked me if I knew he was on TV this week. Are they crazy? They really don't get the time invested these past 6 or so years. And they think I'm the crazy one. (ha)

Anonymous said...

Socialite Life review ..........

"Just Because: Adam Lambert Takes Over The World On ‘Good Morning America’, The World Does Not Mind"

Anonymous said...

My replay is on Rumors, The Light, Things I didn't Say, Shame, and Another Lonely Night.

Anonymous said...

If adam doesn't get to tour this album,it will be a great disappointment!

Anonymous said...

It's still early to know about the tour, but I hope next year it will happen.
I am also wondering if he is considering a double bill tour with somebody (To Love or someone from his label Echosmith?)

Anonymous said...

9:12 AM, maybe they could open for him but not be a double bill. Adam is too good to share headlining.

CT said...

Finally got my CD's from Amazon but not yet from Adamofficial. Has anyone who ordered either of the bundle packages received them yet? I was emailed that there would be a delay due to fulfillment. Also, I checked out my local Target and what a joy to see the Deluxe Explicit and the Standard CD there! Of course I had to buy a couple while I was there (gifting). So the first thing I did when I got to my car was rip off the wrapper, put that CD in to play and WOW!!!! It sounds sooooo great with the speakers blasting away.....ok, so I haven't stopped playing it.....totally on repeat. TOH, ALN, There I said It, Lucy, EITN, GT...well all of them <3333 All in all, a fantastic album... Congrats Adam!!!!

I'm praying he'll be able to have a tour this time round. He's so great performing live :))))

Anonymous said...

Please all, RE the possible tour:

If you already have bought the TOH and spent all the money you're gonna spend on Adam's new music, plus all social media hoopla, voted, shazam'ed etc, please don't just wish, hope, pray, cross your fingers that there will be a tour... Make noise, spread the word of TOH in the old fashion way, talk about it to family members, relatives, friends, aquaintancies and strangers, ask them all to spread the word (even if they are not in to Adam), there are just not enough Glamberts (yet!) to ensure that Adam will sell enough for the tour to happen (however many copies we order and download).

So all and everything for the One and Only Adam Lambert!

And while we're doing this let's have FUN and ENJOY being fans of the One in a Billion Voice Man [who is looking more and more handsome, pheeeewww those pics from the GMA performance, the man, THAT voice, the outfit to the last detail... man, that face & hair, the shirt & the colour, those leather pants (unffff!), the shoes... ]


Anonymous said...

To CT @ 11:48PM- I bought TOH at Target also and did the same thing you did. I got in the car, ripped off the wrapper and put the cd in to play on the way home. I didn't exactly blast it(I'm probably a lot older than you are!), but I was singing along to a few of the songs I had already heard. I also hope that Adam gets to tour with this album. It would be such a shame not to see him live after watching him on GMA in a mini concert this past Friday. Both his appearance and performance were flawless. Can't say enough about this super talented man with the drop dead gorgeous looks.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam touring as a headliner with other current artists would be a way to have a tour. It would accomplish a few things, get new fans, and spread his exposure in the marketplace. Even those that don't do well selling do this in order to broaden their fanbase and thats what needs to occur for Adam. The fandom can't do it, not enough people and we can't wait for someone to let Adam into the awards shows as a performer. I feel they are threatened by his talent and voice, so ignoring him serves their purposes. It's very unfortunate that JT woke up, dusted off the cobwebs, with his fanbase of about every other household in America.

Anonymous said...

1:06 PM and any others with similar thoughts, please don't make noise and annoy family, friends and strangers with talking about Adam and asking them to spread the word about Adam. We have heard so many stories already from fans saying their family is sick of hearing about Adam.

All it will do is drive people away and make them not want to hear Adam ever. How would you feel if somebody talked to you about about Nate Ruess and asked you to spread the word about him?

Anonymous said...

5:09 PM
Good point. It's extremely annoying for people to go on and on about something or someone they're obsessed with. How to influence people ...... NOT!!

Anonymous said...

That's funny. That's exactly what US TV does with the ever present commercials does and why it is so annoying....LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm not mad about ALN, songs that stand out for me are TOH, LUCY, THE LIGHT and SHAME, I just love these songs the others not so much.

Anonymous said...

It would be unusual to love every song in an album, even Adam's. Some just appeal more than others depending on the lyrics, the music, the overall sound of it. I just hope that the listening audience out there finds one or two songs from TOH that make them go out and buy the album. I hope his appearance on GMA this past Friday brought in some new fans to his music. He was flawless. I have been a fan of Adam's since his IDOL days and most of my friends do not know anything about my interest in him and his music. It's my own private world to enjoy whenever I want by listening to his music or checking the internet and you tube for the latest videos and interviews. I am not obsessed with Adam...just a follower/fan of this very talented and charming individual in today's music industry.