Skinpress Demo Rss


Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Admin Note: There is not much explanation on Pandora, but this appears to be similar to Adam's guest DJ show on iHeart, except it is only the music, no Adam intros.  Here is the link separate of the tweet:


Anonymous said...

Song won't open for me. :-(((((

broddybounce said...

@6:24am: unfortunately, I have no other link to present to you; if you're trying to listen on your smartphone, you may have to first download the Pandora app. Alternatively, it may be that you need to listen on your desktop or laptop computer, if you have one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to listen to it on my laptop but no luck so far.

broddybounce said...

@6:24/6:40: I have added a separate link above, hoping that may work for you. If it still doesn't, it probably has something to do with some type of software or add-on you are missing. I would simply go to and check their FAQ.

choons said...

No Pandora in Canada : ((

Anonymous said...

Thanks again, broddybounce.

I've just tried to access the song again via the link you've given but no luck. Hopefully, the song will be added to YouTube at some stage. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. :)