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WB Germany: Incredible High Quality Shot of Adam from Photo Shoot!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 10, 2015

With thanks to mega fan Gelly (@14gelly) whose tweet link will give you an even larger version (or try clicking on photo above)...


Dee R Gee said...

Oh my. Just...oh my.

Unknown said...

Stunning is all I can come up with at the moment!

Anonymous said...

Followed Adam since the first time on TV - but I still miss the "guyliner" - it was so attractive,
even if he only wears it on stage I want it back ! He gave me goosebumps since his first few
notes on AI and he only gets better and better. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photo. Adam looks just fine the way he is, without guyliner and other unnatural and unnecessary adornment.

Anonymous said...

Adam always has some guyliner and eye make up plus necessary other "adornments when making an official photo shoot or when peforming. As stated by the man himself. ;)