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Adam Lambert Fans (Peaceably) Hijack Jimmy Fallon's Twitter Trend Request #ThereISaidIt And Run With It! 7-22-15

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Never count out Adam Lambert's loyal fans to take EVERY opportunity, direct, or indirect, random, you name it, to promote our fabulously talented guy!!!

So...Jimmy Fallon tweeted today, & asked for "funny/random opinions that you just gotta get off your chest" and tag with (ta daaaaa!) #ThereISaidIt..

Which as it happens, is the title of one of the amazing songs from Adam Lambert's new album "The Original High"..

Photo credit: Screen cap of Jimmy Fallon & Adam Lambert from 6-15-15 via @glitzylady

Welllllll, it wasn't long before we Adam Lambert fans did just that, and started tweeting....anything and everything related to Adam Lambert with #ThereISaidIt tagged in the tweet..

And.. of course #ThereISaidIt has been trending on Twitter for quite a while now!!! Hours even!!! Awesome!!!!

Here's a screen cap from US Twitter Trends taken several hours after the start of the twitter trend takeover!! (via @glitzylady)

Below are some random #ThereISaidIt tweets from Adam Lambert fans: And be sure to catch the Jimmy Fallon Show tonight (Wed. 7-22-15) to see what might show up on his show!!!! Suspecting there just might be an Adam Lambert mention or two!!! Fingers crossed!!!

And this one... non-Adam... but a very funny #ThereISaidIt :)))


Dee R Gee said...

This turned into a real bonanza for Adam and his fans! I sure hope Adam is aware of it (I'm sure he is by now!). Little did Jimmy Fallon know that the he had tempted fate by innocently quoted "There I Said It." So cool that it's been trending. The Glamberts RULE! Sure hope there is some mention of it on his show.

Otexbert said...

Do ya'll not realize that Jimmy Fallon has 27 million followers. His twitter game on Tuesday is always the #1 trending topic. It has nothing to do with Adam. There I Said It. It is cool that he used one of Adam's song titles though.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking at some charts around the world to see how Ghost Town is doing. (;

Ghost Town is still number one in South Africa

Adam is at number 69 in Canada

He was also last week number 29 in the MUCH Music Countdown (Canada) but is now a lot higher at number 17

He debut at number 51 in Asia (I'm pretty sure)

He is at number 23 in Australia (Yay)

Adam's doing really well in the Netherlands with Ghost Town at number 7

number 30 in Slovakia
number 35 in Czech Rep.
number 4 in Poland
number 7 in Netherlands
number 27 in Germany

Here's the link to the site I got this info from.

glitzylady said...

@Kel Wan
Sure, I think we all know that the twitter trend wasn't just about Adam.. :)) and wasn't trending all day just because the fans were out there tweeting away..

But on the other hand, there WERE quite a few Adam Lambert related tweets.. I checked the #ThereISaidIt Twitter hashtag feed several times, and Adam fans represented well. It was fun, and people who also followed the trend may have seen some tweets about Adam..

No harm in doing our part.. however big or small...

We do what we can to get his name out there and this was a great opportunity..

#ThereISaidIt :)))

funbunn40 said...

"There you said it" Glitzy! Thanks so much for all of the Adam info you bring us! Missed seeing you in Miami! Hope to catch up with you when Adam starts touring!
Adam is getting much needed exposure this time around & Glamberts world wide are really stepping up! Thanks for the chart standings,Fizzi Kitti! So excited for Adam!