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Adam Lambert in Polish Magazine BRAVO 14/2015 (SCANS)

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, July 14, 2015


blu said...

Can't read it . . but love it!

JAK said...

I can read about 5 words....most are the obvious " 10 Secrets"..."POLISH EDITION" his small photo "What's my secret?" Plus the ones that are similar in spelling to English.
We know most of the secrets anyway..... It is nice to see his handsome face in magazines anywhere! :-)

Dee R Gee said...

Bravo! In any language!

Anonymous said...

Yes you said it all Dee R Gee.So happy for Adam the way things are going.
Played TOH all day at work yesterday. Home alone today so playing it on my ipod thru TV speakers, just loving it. So many of the songs would be great singles

Anonymous said...

Jaycee14 is Jadam NZ.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Adam.