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WBPromoTweet: 'GT' Tagged on Shazam Over 1M Times!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, July 01, 2015


Dee R Gee said...

VERY good news! And BTW, today is Adam's release day in Japan. He has lots of loyal fans in Japan. Hope they love the music and buy it!

Anonymous said...

TOH was in the top 30 on Billboard dance tracks

Anonymous said...

In Shazam, on Global trend chart GT is No. 23 in U.S. GT is No. 41

Anonymous said...

OT: TRAILBLAZERS IS BEING SHOWN NOW ON VHI - 12:00pm & 1:00 pm EASTERM AND 11:00AM @ 12:00pm Central. Check you local listings. Adam has not been on yet! Please spread the word for those who might be interested. Sorry if this has already been posted.

Anonymous said...

Hi, broddybounce. This seems the appropriate place for this info. I was the one who saw GT on the Trending Shazams. I emailed Shazam and asked if Trending was local or global and how it differed from the Global Chart. The reply was that Trending is what is being Shazamed globally at that exact moment and the Global compiles total Shazams over a weekly period. So both Adam being on both is good news.

broddybounce said...

Hi @11:31am: Thank you for your comment -- and your research! Gotta say, I am thrilled to be corrected on this! :) Hope it trends like that again.

Also, 8:34am: this was also in comments on another thread, not sure if that was also you or not, but I have been checking with a friend of mine with close ties to Billboard and just waiting to hear about this first before posting -- Billboard had made a mistake on last week's Top Albums chart where they put a red "down" arrow next to Adam's, Hilary's, and Nate's albums, when they all should have been denoted "New" like James Taylor's was. Glaring error and shocking it wasn't caught sooner. My friend got to the right person and it was corrected (yes, believe it or not, it took an admin of a fan blog to get that corrected! Hello, WB?).

And that makes me believe that TOH on that chart MAY be wrong. I mean, GT hasn't even been on that chart yet, right? It makes me a tad suspicious that the track was TOH. Of course, it is not an impossibility that it was TOH but just want to make sure -- we'll probably find out for sure when the new charts released tomorrow (Thursday July 2nd).