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Adam Lambert Instagram photo!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, October 23, 2015

Posted at : Friday, October 23, 2015

Cultural Appropriation of the Cowboy Hat. No offense to any Cowboys. Or Amish. #ilikethishat #sodeep

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


Catharine Sloper said...

Or Jews? Looks kind of Hassidic!

CT said...

Verrrry Niice Adam <333

JAK said...

According to my grandmothers photo album, that hat is neither cowboy or Hassidic's plain old farmer (1860 - 1910). Worn by every male relative......both above and below the Mason/Dixon Line. However, on Sundays and special occasions, they wore a bowler (derby).

Dee R Gee said...

And I must say that Farmer Adam looks pretty dang cute in it, too. :)

Jean Renard said...

JAK, I still feel that all Adam needs to enhance that hat is "PAYES", which are the curls that orthodox Jews wear right by their ears. I can't wait until this hat is put up on the top shelf of his closet. Nuf said! Margarita Lady

JAK said...

I understand.....but......are we ready for the next one??

blu said...

never know what Adam is going to come up with next