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UPDATED: Adam Says "No Beef Between @ddlovato @nickjonas & me..." "TMZ" & "Just Jared": Demi Lovato Has Replaced Adam Lambert With Nick Jonas As Opener In Her Upcoming "Confident" Tour

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, October 23, 2015

Posted at : Friday, October 23, 2015

UPDATED With Adam Lambert's tweet just now:

Adam is a true gentleman... Beautiful man in every way!

Updated info in a new thread: LINK Demi Lovato Responds To Adam Lambert (And The *Rumors*) "Just goes to show how accurate @TMZ really is... I [Heart] you @adamlambert"

Demi Lovato responded to Adam's tweet today:

Original thread post below:

 In a surprising, unexpected (and rather unsettling) report heard first from "TMZ", and then from "Just Jared" a few hours later (and will undoubtedly be repeated in media outlets worldwide), there appears to be a very strong rumor that Demi Lovato had contracted with Adam Lambert to open for her on her upcoming "Confident" Tour, and has now replaced Adam with Nick Jonas (reportedly with input from her management team).

We've  so far heard nothing from anyone directly involved to deny or confirm these rumors..

So for now, we wonder....and we send our love and support to Adam Lambert..

From Just Jared: (LINK) Demi Lovato Replaces Tour Opener Adam Lambert With Nick Jonas

Excerpts from Just Jared: (read the entire story by clicking on the link above)

Demi Lovato is making a last minute change to the lineup for her upcoming tour, according to TMZ. The 23-year-old entertainer was set to have Adam Lambert join her on her tour to support “Confident” but it looks like Nick Jonas will be opening instead.

Nick, who shares the same manager as Demi, was looking for a tour and their manager was said to have influenced the decision.

It is also stated that Adam was in the final stages of setting up the details for his portion of the tour..

For the details as they've been reported so far, read the Just Jared blog (embedded link above) or

TMZ's story here:   LINK HERE

In reality, the music business is tough, and things happen, decisions must be made.  If this indeed happened, Adam will be fine, in fact more than fine! But in the meantime.....

Adam's fans are supporting him tonight with a Twitter trend of #WeLoveAdamLambert, because we do...

Here's mine.. join in if you feel so inclined


Gabi said...

There likely is some truth to the story, but who knows about the exact details and course of events. I have not clicked on the TMZ article btw. as their headline sounds very condescending to me. Dumped? Adam deserves better. Whatever door closes while another one opens :) And from my personal view, I am glad that I don't have to sit through Demi L. in order to see Adam. I'm just not that interested in her.

glitzylady said...

I'm updating this thread with Adam's Tweet just now:

ADAM LAMBERT ✔@adamlambert
Aww I love you all very much. No beef tween @ddlovato & @nickjonas and me. Biz negotiations are complex- why do we care about the #rumors?

Pan said...

Who's Demi Lovato? If the news is true, it is a good news, Adam Lambert , the current front man for Queen, an opener for, ...what's her name, yeah, I'm being a bit rude, I'm sure she has her own fans who love her as we love Adam, but give me a break, she's so...provincial.I also can understand that it could have been an opportunity to tour America, what is driving me mad is the news itself, "dumped", be serious, I've thought that Just Jared person is a pro! Dear Adam management, a word for you , I'm sure such opportunities/negotiations will happen in the future, too, don't you think it is time for Adam to be accompanied by a real accompaniment band ? And I'm a little perplexed , is there a deal between you and the Swedish team not to change a note in the songs from The Original High Album when played live, Adam's trade mark , one of them , is his ability to give his song different "appearances" !

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to mention that Jared didn't use that word in his story.. I used his blog post quotes instead of the words and harsher title that were posted by TMZ, although I did link that blog in the story here as well, to give it context. Jared's story was as respectful as it could be, IMO.., given the circumstances..

Never a dull moment :)

Anonymous said...

We may never know the real truth behind all this. But what we can do is trend "WeloveAdamLambert" on twitter and stream ALN music video as much as we can as others are doing to show our love and appreciation for Adam.

Pan said...

I've just reread the stories , JJ uses"replaced", the blog "dumped" , it is a difference, I must admit, not so big we'd like to believe, surely it was a deal gone wrong, neither replaced nor dumped reflect a simple, very simple idea, that of a negotiation between 2 artists' managements that couldn't be finalized for various reasons.

Anonymous said...

Just watching the numbers for official ALN numbers go up very quickly, Glamberts are showing support and love the way they know best. Yay for us. Have done my share, its nearly midnight so off to bed. Will look forward to the number tomorrow.

Unknown said...

For me the most upsetting thing about this debacle is the way most media just copied and pasted whatever TMZ had to say, some didn't even bother changing the words. A few Biz news website used less harsh words, but really, to even repeat such unconfirmed piece of "news" makes me wonder if professional journalism even exists on the internet these days?

Allysa Mentor said...

Tmz usually breaks stories. They weren't gloating, and called DEMI a mean girl.. Too bad I thought she was above all that backstabbing, as she's always had personal issues. Looks like now that she has some fame , she doesn't seem to care about honor and integrity. Another one bites the dust.........I just don't want to hear her whining anymore about she has been treated in the past. Adam, of course is always the gentleman, hope he never changes.

krismidas said...

I suppose this sort of thing happens all the time in the music/entertainment biz.

For me, the thought of Adam opening for Demi Lovato is a bit perplexing. I know she's a talented young artist with (I assume) a young fan base from her days as a Disney darling, but would she be the right pairing for Adam's U.S. career development? To be honest, Nick Jonas (who has about 10% of Adam's talent and charisma IMO) seems like a better fit to open for Demi -- I imagine their fan bases would be more similar. I may be off base, so I would love to hear whether others have similar or differing points of view.

If Adam has to be an opening act in order to tour in the U.S. (which bugs me a lot, but whatever) I would rather see him with somebody like Bruno Mars or Pink! I imagine these pairings depend a lot on timing and business/personal relationships... Again, I would love to hear other people's thoughts.

Dee R Gee said...

"Dumped" is a huge, emotional word that grabs attention, of course. It's sensationalistic just like these show biz sites are. I imagine there was an agreement that Adam would tour with Demi. We don't know what happened. Nick J. is a huge star, bigger than Adam, I must say. Why the change was made we'll probably never know.

Adam has never opened for anyone else, to my knowledge. He's been on the same bill with other acts but never as an opener. Demi is a huge star, of course. It would have been great for Adam to perform on her tour. It's good to know that Adam is truly in the same tier that gives him the cred to even be considered to tour with her. That makes me feel good. Adam is handling this like the true gentleman that he is. He'll be fine.

Cool to see that the numbers for ALN are jumping up quickly. I'll be doing lots of viewing today. Look forward, everyone! Not back.

Dee R Gee said...

Also read last night that Nick canceled two tours (recently?). Just thought I'd throw that in. Might not mean anything.

krismidas, I agree with you 100%. Demi is a big star but not the best fit for Adam to share a venue with. She's just fine, but the two of them don't seem to attract the same crowd. And yes, it's absurd that Adam would have to be an opening act in order to tour in the US. Hope that doesn't happen. Nick is fine, kind of benign. Has lots of fans. Adam is a truly class act.

krismidas said...

Okay, I just clicked the link to the TMZ story and actually laughed out loud when I saw the images and opening paragraph. TMZ's style of "journalism" is pretty funny at times.

Another thought: it's probably very good for Adam's visibility in the U.S. to have his name in the same entertainment coverage as Lovato and Jonas. Maybe some of their fans will decide to check out Adam's latest videos as a result. There probably isn't a downside for him in this news cycle.

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly Glad Nick Jonas is filling Adam's place. Adam is definitely NOT an opening act. I'd rather see him kill it for his fans in smaller venues, than be an opening act for some other performer in a big venue. Adam will get there, we all know that. So I'll support him until he sells out Madison Square Garden. #Glambert

Dee R Gee said...

Fizzy Kitti, yes!
krismidas, check email.

krismidas said...

Dee R Gee, I just responded.

Adam fan # gazillion said...

This whole thing seems fishy to me. If Adam was planning on touring with Demi, he would have turned down other opportunities. Maybe now they will come roaring back. He may be showing how much class he has by not allowing this to become a media circus. I don't see him as an opening act. I'd love to see him solo or with Elton John, Lady Gaga, Adelle, Sarah Brightman.....

CT said...

I've been brooding since the TMZ news broke...feeling upset for Adam BUT I think he's much too good to be an opening act for anyone! I realize DL & NJ are very hot now in the Pop world now and they do have talent but the way TMZ broke the headline using the word "dumped" was cruel and unprofessional but then that source is! I don't think we'll ever know the real details but Adam has always been honest and when he say "biz negotiations are complicated" I trust what he says as as the truth and the underlying cause of the switch. Also, knowing that DL & NJ have the same mgmt, I can believe that the mgmt had a lot to do with putting the pressure on DL to make the switch & NJ did not have a tour of his the mgmt was looking out for his own. Nonetheless, the final decision was probably DL's since it was her tour.

Adam has overcome much worse that not being chosen to be an opening act for DL. He'll be fine....his talent is a force to be reckoned with. I only hope this won't affect his US tour plans. By the way, aren't contracts drawn up when artists agree to tour together? They can just break a contract when they want to??? just saying...

PRS said...

Although it seems Adam's management is wanting him to appeal to younger fans, Demi has a big tween following. I feel Adam would have to pull-back too much of his behavior and lyrics to fit into a more PG tween audience. That would be a travesty IMO. He's much better when he can be real/raw. I'd prefer an older pairing, but will support him whatever his decisions are.