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New Photos: Adam Lambert Interview Before Press Conference at Beijing!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, November 08, 2015


CT said...

Great photos....Adam looking very relaxed....I wonder how many interviews he's done in this last 6 years...mind boggling.

Lam-My said...

Adam has to hold the Chinese fortune cat lol!

招财猫 / zhāo chái māo / wealth-inducing cat

招财 zhāo chái / invites wealth

猫 māo / cat

Well, let's see if Adam rakes in good fortune in China.

This fortune cat originated in Japan.

Jean Renard said...

LAM-MY, thanks for displaying your knowledge to us about the Chinese fortune cat. I would not be knowing this information just by looking at the pictures. I just thought someone had given him a little stuffed animal. It pays to have Glamberts' knowledge from all over the world. Margarita Lady

Shelagh said...

How on earth does he always look so fresh,his work schedule is so hectic !👍

Lam-My said...

You are welcome Margarita Lady!
This Fortune cat though originated in Japan found its way into China and also Singapore and the nearby region. A very long time ago, a young colleague of mine, had this displayed on her table at our workplace; and I remember asking: What's this? And she endearingly replied: Seow Ding Darng / Little Kitty lol! It's called Fortune/Lucky cat and perhaps they want Adam to hold it so great fortune will befall him and his Chinese fans. This is an auspicious symbolic mascot of wealth and success; comes in many forms, sizes and designs; there's one with its paw, with greetings of prosperity/success written on it, waving up and down...especially during Chinese New Year...beckoning to Fortune to come a-knocking. I used to see it at auspicious gatherings like Ghost Month festivals and had always wondered why this Fortune cat was waving at me, no, not's waving for Luck to 來 lai / come. lwl!