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Handsome Adam Lambert Pic of the day!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Lam-My said...

Ah-ha, I got a story for Handsome Adam...Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde style...

Dr Handsome was on his way to administer to a delirious patient who had called in to say he wanted to take his own life. He had cured many patients of their suicidal demonic mental disorders and knew he had to act fast.
He got into his Lamborghini and sped to the address given to him. Dr Handsome knocked on the door and a gaunt, haggard man opened it.
'You must be Dr Handsome...' the gaunt man gave a resigned smile and introduced himself as Victor. Soon Dr Handsome was examining Victor on a couch and yes indeed he found Victor's heart beating abnormally fast. He was quite delirious, thought Dr Handsome who immediately gave an injection to lower his blood pressure.

After five minutes, the injection took effect and lo and behold...Victor got up from the couch with a confident smile and stared at Dr Handsome who was rather apprehensive about the outcome. Then Victor's voice changed and started to squeal very high notes and then growled in baritone bass...aaaarrhgg...and back to squealing oooeeeh....
Dr Handsome straight away realised he had given Victor the wrong vial of injection. This was the vial he drank, when he wanted to change from Dr Handsome to monstrous Damnlamb.
What was he going to do time to lose as the drug would soon turn him into a violent monster. Quickly, Dr Handsome took out the antidote vial and injected its contents into Victor's arm; who was already reaching out to strangle him. Oooo-la-la!
Victor slumped back onto the couch and became his dismal, suicidal self again. He complained he had no more incentive to carry on. He had recently lost his beloved caring soulmate who was always there for him through thick and thin.

At this point, Dr Handsome sensed something strange happening to himself. His sexy, swervy chest hair started to stand erect. And then ! Damnlamb emerged from within; his facial hair sprouted and his eyes bulged grotesquely.
Victor became really scared now; even his suicidal thoughts flew off the window. He got up and ran out the ajar door, screaming madly down the street. Luckily, a kind lady, his neighbour, ran after him and calmed him down. Victor pointed to his house and stammered... d-d-d-Doctor h-h-h-Handsome !
The kind neighbour, her name, Lucy, took him back to her house and gave him a hot cup of green tea to soothe his nerves, and turned on the radio. An announcement came on to warn the people that a grotesque monster was on the loose.
Only then did Lucy believed Victor. She called the police that the monstrous being was in their neighbouhhood and left Victor's address.

Soon, the wail of siren rang through the neighbourhood and a special tactics squad banged on the door of Victor's house.
Dr Handsome opened the door and greeted them with a beautiful smile. The police searched the whole house...nothing nor any monstrous being was found. They then questioned Dr Handsome who beguilingly explained he had come to treat a delirious patient who had run off like a mad man. The police left and Dr Handsome drove off in his down the street in delirium, rushing home for his antidote before Damnlamb convulsed him violently !
Ahh, not so fast, one of the tactics police squad noticed a perculiar twitch on Dr Handsome's face as they questioned him. He decided to tail his Lamborghini. As Dr Handsome wove in and out the traffic, desperate to reach home, he wasn't aware he was being tailed.
The undercover police stopped him for further questioning as he stepped out of his Lamborghini, outside his house.
Lo and behold, the police officer was shocked to see Damnlamb's abhorrent face, contorted eyes and facial hair, still sprouting. Yes, Damnlamb took over completely; he was no more the benevolent Dr Handsome. Continue...

Lam-My said...

Damnlamb became very violent now, his survival instinct kicked in; heaved the police-officer up and threw him down ! Damnlamb then rushed into his basement laboratory and swallowed a vial of antidote to transform himself back.
At this moment, sirens wailed down the street... wheeoo-wheeoo-wheeoo and soon...Bang Bang ! Well, what do you think...
Dr Handsome had escaped, once more...