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VOTE for Adam Lambert in CelebMix Awards - 4 Categories

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 11, 2015

Posted at : Friday, December 11, 2015

GO GLAMILY! VOTE for Adam Lambert in CelebMix Awards - 4 Categories:1- Best Male:...

Posted by Adam Lambert Help on Monday, December 7, 2015


Gabi said...

Finally!!! He caught up in the album category and is now holding the #1 spot, but barely. That's an important one. Let's keep chasing TOH and let's keep voting and tweeting that link to our followers!

Dee R Gee said...

Voted on artist live act but the album one only shows the results. Won't show the actual voting. Oh well, glad that TOH is now in the #1 spot! Keep voting if you can!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Just came from there ... seems to be frozen on results ... CANNOT VOTE!! What's going on? No wonder Little Mix is ahead ... something STINKS!! IMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Just came from there (3:50 pm EST) ... In ALBUM category Little Mix has pulled ahead again to 47%, OVER Adam's 35.6%!!

VOTE.. VOTE Glamberts. Last night (or early AM.) Adam was ahead about 3%!

Also, In FANDOM, Adam is behind with 25.2%... behind Harmonizers' 30.7%

At least Adam and QAL are still well ahead in Best Male Artist and Best Live Act, but QAL has dropped about 2-3%. So don't take anything for granted. VOTE!

Vagrant said...

Loved and so agreed with you comment on the voting site re the MALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR! And of course with your QAL comment, too!

(Hoping to see/experience the QAL Live Magic for the first time next year, yuhuu!!!)