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UPDATED INFO : QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT Cologne, Germany 5-27-16: Unofficial Poster, World Clock, Streams

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, May 27, 2016

Posted at : Friday, May 27, 2016

UPDATED!  With Periscope links...

Several listed in tweets below, but this seems to be the best one (currently..):

LINK To  @cathiepfister PERISCOPE HERE

INFO : QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT Concert Cologne, Germany 5-27-16: Unofficial Poster, World Clock, Streams (Audio, Video) Just added: 2 Periscope (Video) streams below:

Please note: The weather is bad in Cologne currently: pouring rain!!! EEEK!!! Open air Stadium..

Venue: Rhein Energie Stadium

Show starts at 7:30 PM in Cologne with an opener (singer Larkin Poe), Queen + Adam Lambert will be a little later: Streamers may wait until QAL portion of the concert to begin their streams.

World times:
10:30 AM PDT
1:30   PM EDT
See World Clock below for other time zones

nicolec is on Mixlr

Rabbitholegirl is on Mixlr

Periscope links:  Click on the links in the tweets below for live video from the concert when available

*Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS
*With many thanks to @mmadamimadamm for coordinating the info & streamers, to the streamers themselves for sharing their unforgettable experiences at the concert(s) via audio & video streams, to the poster designer & photographers, graphic designer, for the incredible unofficial posters for each & every Adam Lambert AND Queen + Adam Lambert concert.. And to QUEEN AND ADAM LAMBERT  & their talented & professional crew for the A++ concert experiences each and every time!!! 


Dee R Gee said...

Woo! Checked in a few hours ago and it was raining cats and dogs in Cologne before the show. Looks like they went ahead, though. Hope it has let up a little. Nothing worse than rain at an outdoor concert, both for the audience and the performers.