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Terrance Spencer's snapchat story ft Adam Lambert's song 28/6/16

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Helloo Terrance! You must be missing Adam, your best pal from days of yore. Yea, I saw you live with Johnny and Adam...performing Fever. You three read one another's moves making the dance so fluid and graceful. Well, you can't follow Adam this time on the up-coming F1 gig in Singapore; you came with Adam and the GlamNation Band/Dancers in the Sing 2010 Grand Prix.
After favourite video/song...TOH.

Apr 29, 2016 - Uploaded by maggy97
Adam Lambert - After Hours in Berlin 29.04.2016.

Nanbert said...

Lam-My, Terrance was in Adam's entourage throughout the ENTIRE TOH tour (Celebrating the New Year 2016 in Singapore- and just ending in Germany last month).. as one of Adam's two wonderful singer/dancers (the other one was Holly Hymen) Maybe you didn't recognize him. OR maybe I misunderstood you.. thinking that the last time you saw him was dancing with Johnny and Adam.

Terrance was a dancer in Adam's Glam Nation Tour, too.

Johnny Rice WAS the second dancer with Terrance only during Adam's "Trespassing" Tour -- although it was never officially a tour, only a few concerts... mostly in Asia. But he was not in the GlamNation tour.

Terrance was also an extra in some of Adam's own videos, including a couple of the Glee videos in music stores.

Lam-My said...

Hi Nanbert...I am aware he was with Adam the whole time, on all the tours, and that's why I think he would miss following Adam in the upcoming Asian tour; but I only saw him, Johnny Rice and Adam dance together at the live concert,Trespassing.
Terrance was really enjoying The Original High tour; he said, he wished it would never end. The three performed together way before Idol, eg. Kiss and Tell. Terrance has Adam's back, he loves Adam.

Nanbert said...

Lam-My.. I DID misunderstand...sorry.

I think Terrance was terrific on the TOH tour... as well as Holly. They seemed to be perfect compliments to Adam, without being distracting. Since Terrance and Adam are such close friends, I'm sure they enjoyed touring together. Hope they do it again next time.

And yes, I remember seeing a pre-Idol video with Adam performing with Terrance and Johnny Rice, but just couldn't remember where. Must have been Kiss and Tell, per your comment.