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UPDATED INFO: Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Hong Kong (Asia World Expo HK) 9-28-16 WC, Streams, PERISCOPE

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, September 28, 2016

INFO: Queen + Adam Lambert Concert Hong Kong (Asia World Expo HK) Wednesday 9-28-16 WC, *Streams

**This thread has been time shifted from 9-27 up to 9-28-16 to reflect LIVE audio & video for the Hong Kong show.. Enjoy!!** 

Event Time (World Clock via @mmadamimadamm):

Hong Kong 8 PM
US West Coast 5 AM
US East Coast 8 AM
London UK 1 PM
Sydney AU 10 PM

*Note that other streamers (Audio & possibly Video i.e. Periscope etc.) may be added closer to or during the concert.

Photo: Dr. Brian May & Adam Lambert  of  Queen + Adam Lambert in Shanghai 
via 先辈 on Weibo posted by @adamlambert_pic on Twitter LINK HERE

sandyrk is on Mixlr

astuflom is on Mixlr

aprilwg is on Mixlr

Soso Chan is on Mixlr

*Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS
*As always, with MANY THANKS to @mmadamimadamm for coordinating the info & streamers, to the streamers themselves for generosity & commitment to sharing their unforgettable experiences at the concert(s) via audio & video streams, to the videographers who share their vids on You Tube, to the poster designers & photographers, graphic designers, for the incredible unofficial posters for each & every Adam Lambert AND Queen + Adam Lambert concert.. And to QUEEN AND ADAM LAMBERT  & their talented & professional crew for the A++ concert experiences each and every time!!! 


Dee R Gee said...

Kill it in Hong Kong, Adam! Can't wait!

BTW, just saw a teaser at the end of Entertainment Tonight saying that an Adam interview about RHPS will be on
tomorrow!!!!! Saw a moment of Adam dressed as Eddie standing next to a woman!!!!!!! I'll be watching!

Dee R Gee said...

Oops! Silly me. You beat me to it, of course. I didn't notice that you already posted the ET news earlier. So excited to see it!