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Adam Lambert Tweeted: Vote @HillaryClinton #firstwoman #HillaryClinton

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I've already VOTED ADAM!! I'm with HER!! #GO!!HILLARY #TeamHILLARY!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I voted early for Hillary too. It took a big weight off me because I was so antsy to do it. If I could make Nov 8 come earlier I would. ^_^

LTA said...

Canada and US are great neighbors!!!:) I'm a LIBERAL supporter here in Canada!!!:).

Nov. 9 is the happiest day for every Nasty Women in the USA!!!:) Go! Go! Go!

Anne Marie said...

I don't think celebrities should openly endorse candidates. People follow like sheep, just because their idol likes that candidate.
People need to get out and vote, with their own ideas as to whom they would like as president. I vote for someone who does not believe in killing unborn babies. That baby has a right to a life, no matter how it was conceived. JMO

Anne Marie said...

I am using my freedom of speech, the same as Adam.

Lam-My said...
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Nanbert said...

Adam has a right to his opinion...just as we each have a right to ours. We do not have to feel as though we are disloyal fans if we do not vote the same way as him..... In fact, I find it hard to believe that any intelligent fan would vote according to who a celebrity endorsed.

By the same token, I can understand a person's aversion to abortion. In fact, I don't know anyone who doesn't feel that way. However, EVERY woman should have absolute control over her OWN body... and there are a myriad of crucial reasons that might cause a woman to seek an abortion.


The JUST part about Roe vs.Wade is that no one who is against abortion is required to get one!

glitzylady said...

Since we've started this discussion, as a result of Adam endorsing Hillary Clinton, I have a couple of things to say... And honestly, do you think for a moment he would be voting for anyone else??

Celebrities have every right to voice their opinions. Adam is a US citizen and therefore has a vote and in this case, a voice to express his own personal choice . He is certainly not the only celebrity to endorse a candidate. His friend Katy Perry has campaigned for Hillary. Adele has endorsed her. As have many many others. The same for Mr. Trump, who has his own set of celebrity supporters. And as a member of the LGBT community I would imagine Adam has very particular reasons for casting his vote for Hillary Clinton. We all have our beliefs and principles that are important to us.. In my own case, the Democratic party much more closely shares my own personal values and my hopes for the future of my country.. I don't expect anyone else here to be the same as myself or Adam, but let's be careful not to insult others who come here. This is not really the place to have this discussion but since it's become that, at least keep it friendly.. and respectful to all.

That said, I do not believe that the vast majority of voters are swayed by a particular celebrity's opinion nor do I believe that they will vote for a candidate simply because that celebrity lets their personal choice be known. Calling a celebrity's fans "sheep" is a judgement that needs to be unsaid, here on this Adam Lambert blog at least. In my experience, the majority of Adam's fans are intelligent, thoughtful, and can make up their own minds, without being led blindly, or in this case, being told who to vote for, by anyone, including a celebrity. Not all of us are on the same page certainly, but we do have this one person in common, and this deep admiration and respect for Adam Lambert (I know I do...). I respect his right to have his say...

As for the abortion issue, although I would prefer that it not happen, life is more complicated than that sometimes.. Difficult choices must be made.. I truly believe that we are all pro-life in our hearts.. My son is adopted. I am forever grateful to his (very young) birth parents for their decision to carry him to term and place him in our arms.. It must have been the hardest, most heartbreaking decision they ever made, to entrust strangers with their beautiful and precious baby boy. But I do feel it is not my place to tell someone else how to make a sometimes devastating decision. Or tell them that they only have one choice and one choice only..


Nanbert said...

Well said, glitzylady. Surely there was never any doubt that Adam would endorse Clinton...LBGT rights and gay marriage are on the line after all.

I have to commend you on your very perceptive and wise statement..."we are all pro-life in our hearts"... SO true. And you went on to add.."I do feel it is not my place to tell someone else how to make a sometimes devastating decision"..."or that they only "have one choice". That really says it all.

Cherish your dear son. "Adopted" is only a word... a "parent" is the one who loves, feeds, cleans, reads to, supports and is always there.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I voted last week when I got my absentee ballot in the mail ... long before ADAM tweeted for us to vote for Hillary. I've been voting since I was 18 years old and every election year is difficult for me ... I'm always second guessing my choices ... but this year I have no doubt in my mind or heart ... and no celebrity or politician was going to change how I feel. This time I feel I've got it right!! This might be the last year I'll be able to vote for the President so even though I can no longer to go to the polls I still make sure I exercise my freedom to do so.

@glitzylady ... To me 'adopted' always meant that you get to pick whether you have a boy or girl instead of waiting to find out!! I'm too old now but there are so many homeless orphans I would love to give a home but I simply can't care for a child full time & it wouldn't be fair to the child either ... so now I watch my great grandchildren while their parents work before they get too old for me to do so. I cared for almost all of my grandchildren under those circumstances & I've enjoyed every blessed minute of it no matter how tired I get. I LOVE it!! Bless you! Light 'n Love

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

The Dark Side said...

I voted for Hillary this week but it had nothing to do with Adam. I'm a Democrat raised in GOP family who never crosses my ticket. Big problem
In this country too many people don't understand the differences of the parties.

Unknown said...

first off: @glitzylady I applaud to your words!

Has Adam been this vocal in the last election? (Obama/Romney)

I only "know" Adam from interviews so this is all speculation. From what I gather I think Adam want's to use his voice for good, use it to evoke conscience about a man that it generalizing about a religious group and is provoking hate. Which for obvious reasons are issues close to Adams heart. Not to use is fans for political purpose, to "get his way". I think Adam is taking responsibility as a public figure which is something I very much admire and value.

I wouldn't vote for Hilary either she's adopted some of Bernies positions because they're popular. To me she is too close to wall street, establishment, flip-flops alot etc...I'd vote for a third party but..that's just me...

On abortion...I have a chromosome abaration which is why I can't have children. I wish people were more aware of and responsible with the gift of being able to have a child. Criminalising abortion will just see girls and women do dangerous things to themselves which is frankly helping nobody. In no way am I in a position to pass judgement. I'm not in the girl's/womans shoes, I'm not living her life. It does make me thoughtful to think that with all the prenatal tests today people can find about pre-existing conditions like mine and might decide for an abortion because of this. While I think it should be available for those who need it I don't think it should be treated like something you can pick up the grocery store, it is a human life after all (in my eyes).

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam for speaking up! My wife and I already voted for her!

Dee R Gee said...

Such an interesting thread. I know we don't usually enter into political discussions on this site, and that's probably a good thing. But since Adam stated his position, it is good to air our opinions now and then. I agree with glitzy and some other posts here. I want the progress of social issues to move foreword, not backward. I want us to be inclusive, not divisive. Adam truly speaks for that belief, too. I will vote for Hillary, with all her mixed baggage, and hope that she will help move us forward to become more united. As to the abortion issue, since it was brought up, I will say that the decision should be up to the woman. Ideally, it should be an informed decision. It must be a terribly hard decision to make. As to Donald Trump's beliefs on this issue, I am not at all sure that his sense of morality runs as deep as he may claim. He's had plenty of girlfriends, and when asked about abortion in reference to them, he pretty much winked away his answer, noncommittal. That says a lot, at least to me, about his Right To Life claims. But we all have our opinions and we should vote our own conscience. That's what it's all about.

beeinabarn said...

Do you want the same crap over again. No way. USA needs something better. I am a firm believer in Donald Trump. Sorry.

Dee R Gee said...

Nobody wants "the same." We all just have our own opinion about what is "better."

Anne Marie said...

This is the first time I have heard that a lot of people don't want either candidate. There are major issues with both of them. Hope it all works out in the end.

Nanbert said...

Unfortunately "change" for change's sake guarantees NOTHING. The gridlock we've experienced for a long time in our government is liable to get worse instead of better. The two parties (Democrats and Republicans) are eternally fighting for control of the house and senate--- both of which must agree on passage of a bill. Then the president still needs to sign the bill (if he wants it).. or refuse to sign it (if he doesn't want it) in order for it to be passed. Many people think the president has the power to do anything he wants to, but that is not true.

Trump has alienated so many members of his own party that they will be battling against him, as well as the Democrats. The Republican party has already been in disarray because of the Tea party group of Republicans who have been thwarting the Republican party base for several years.

Trump will only add another level of grid-lock into our government's workings, and even less will be accomplished.

On the other hand, Clinton has had experience in "working across the aisle", and will have (at least) more cooperation from the more united Democrats as well... in order to accomplish many needed changes.

Clinton also has MUCH BETTER MANNERS!!!!

Artemis said...
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Artemis said...

Fait accompli, Adam. Keeping the faith.