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Adam Lambert Retweeted Hollywood Reporter: Meryl Streep gets political with anti-Trump message: "Join me in supporting the committee to protect journalists"

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, January 9, 2017

Posted at : Monday, January 09, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Her speech was perfect and so vital right now. One of the most important things she said was that the legitimate, fact-and-truth-driven press/media MUST stand up even stronger to the incoming anti-press president. True journalists with integrity are being tossed aside and ridiculed. Freedom of the press is essential. No one in politics should be allowed to be without scrutiny. Meryl is helping to rally that cause.

And I am not the least bit surprised at Trump's twitter reply to her worlds.

Dee R Gee said...


Nanbert said...

Dee R Gee... you're SO RIGHT...Meryl is SO RIGHT! The truth is in such peril, when it is vilified by our President Elect... who wouldn't know the truth if he tripped over it... nor would/does he care.

One ofthe first things a Dictator does is stifle the press/media. The less the people know, the easier it is to rule them. A dictator re-writes history to suit himself.

Seek out and cherish the truth-seekers/tellers. Honest leaders respect them and welcome them.

LTA said...

Here in Canada, we are experiencing the same thing now. Some ignorant conservatives are happy that Dump Trump won. It is really annoying indeed!:(

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I have never felt so much uncertainty under any other President as I do now as inauguration day for D. Trump draws closer!! I see so much Mussolini & Hitler in his attitude & mannerisms & his vitriolic words send chills of fear down my spine!! I only hope & pray that there will be enough GOOD politicians left in Congress to keep a normal balance for us!! His idea of a WALL gives me shivers ... WHY/HOW?? has our country come to this???

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw....I feel exactly the same. This is terrifying! It's like being in a car speeding towards a cliff, you can't get out, and you have no control or brakes.

So helpless!