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Adam Lambert Likes on Instagram

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, February 9, 2017

Posted at : Thursday, February 09, 2017

A video posted by Jack Morlen (@jackmorlen) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Sutan looks fabulous!

Lam-My said...
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Anonymous said...

Great likes, Adam!!

Jack Morlen has a very good voice, Sutan looks fabulous & George A King is a honey.

Anonymous said...

Agree with all you said fluttsp

Anonymous8 said...

Don't think that is a pic of Sutan, but a friend/photographer SequoiaEmmanuel that he references. Believe he did the make-up and styling for the pic.

choons said...

yes that is Sutan - Sequoia is the photographer - Sutan always does his own make-up and styling. And those are his tats. : )

Anonymous8 said...

Oh, OK, thank you - agree Sutan looks fabulous.

Nanbert said...

Jack Morlen may have a "good voice" (don't know him) .... but he has a BAD Caption.... using a VERY offensive phrase so casually. I HATE IT!

Nowdays, people just say things that they hear over and over without even focusing on them anymore. That phrase HAS A REAL MEANING!!!!!!

Unknown said...

dear lord Nanbert! What does it mean?! I tryed googling it but the only thing that comes up is the weekends starboy...
are you talking about the "mother fu**er" or is there more to it?

Nanbert said...

Marion M....Nothing to google...just the caption under the 1st photo shown above, which states "I'm just a mother f----- boy". That's what I'm talking about.

It's not just words... think about what that phrase actually says...actually means! As a a mother...I find it extremely offensive and insulting.

Don't you?

Anonymous said...

YUP! I gotta agree with you Nanbert. As a mother, I feel that way too. I try to let these things slide, but sometimes they just don't slide by. Not my idea of cute or clever, or tough, or whatever the reason is for talking that way.

funbunn40 said...

Yes, Nanbert. The literal meaning is extremely offensive & there are those that think it's cool to say it, adam also saying a few times at concerts. I've never appreciated it, also as a mother. I hear over & over, "No big deal, just a generation thing," but it always makes me wince, not respecting it's usage.

Nanbert said...

Lollypop and Funbunn40... It's nice to know somebody feels the way I do. And tossing it off as a "generation thing" doesn't fly for me either.

Hey, I'll be 84 this month... some may call me old-fashioned to get so upset. But many years ago, that phrase was one of the MOST vile and insulting that could be used... because of its meaning. And in fact, anyone who used it was also looked down on... as a "lowlife" and "scum"for just uttering it.

Now the expression flys around at the drop of a hat. A perfect example is its use by the young man above, Jack Morlen, is almost using it to describe himself genially as a "good old boy", as "one of the guys"! He doesn't even realize or care about what he's actually saying!

IMO our language has suffered irreparable harm by the amount of swearing and cursing that has been so commonplace. Lately it seems that every third word begins with "F"! No finesse!

It used to be that a well-rounded vocabulary was admired.... one could "dress down" another by use of a few well-chosen (and completely acceptable) words.... or "cuss one out" without a single curse word. It was quite an art, and much admired!

What makes me really sad is hearing Adam use that phrase occasionally ---- I cringe when he says it in concerts!

Off my soapbox now. Nice to know I'm not alone. Peace...and all!

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I didn't read the caption. I was only interested in hearing the guy's voice.

As much as I dislike it, the "m f" expression is used so often & so casually now that it's become regular use for many people & as funbunn40 said, Adam has also used it a few times at concerts .... that doesn't make it right but that's the way it is these days.

Nanbert said...

It has become too commonplace....but consider....if people (mainly women, I guess) complained each time they heard it, and forced people who used it to focus on the actual meaning... maybe it would be possible to turn things around, and put it back into disfavor. It's worth a try.

At least, nothing ventured..nothing gained. Pass the word around!

Unknown said...

@Nanbert...yes, I find the literal meaning of the phrase extremely disgusting...and I didn't pay any attention to the caption before I read the comments...

...we don't have a phrase like that in German (not that I am aware of anyways)...we do have 'son of a b***' which I think is also offensive (obviously!)...
...luckily I'm not confronted on a regular basis with either one of these phrases...I use the s-word and the f-word but not those two phrases (my fam even gives me s*** for using those two words)

now if you don't mind a little preaching from a 25 year old...
what bothers me is the massive amount of abbreviations on the net...the worse being WTF!!!...I thought happy b-day was as bad as it was gonna get...these abbreviations are going to be our downfall...

off my soapbox

Nanbert said...

Good point, Marion B. The trouble with that is people think they can say nasty things without actually saying them! But that's a cop-out--- because using the initials is STILL the same as using the whole words.

However, I have to admit that I am not very "hip" when it comes to abbreviations. I DO know what WTF means, but have not a clue about what HBD means. Oh wait.. is that Happy Birthday? I thought it was going to be some ugly phrase! Haha.

You're right, though. All those abbreviations and shortcuts have begun to make inroads in the art of civilization, as we know it.

Big sigh!

Unknown said...

@nanbert...yes HBD is Happy Birthday...saw it first when they hat the Bowie-tribute party on Bowies birth date in early January and saw it again with Adams birthday bash...

...I'm just one...if I'm not close enough with someone so that I don't have a few nice words to say to someone on their special day then maybe i shouldn't bother saying anything at all

Rosemary White said...

I dislike the expression "milf". Not going to elaborate but you can find the meaning on the Urban Dictionary website. It was bandied about in Adam's post-Idol/Glam Nation days. I'd never heard of it 'til then.

Unknown said...

oh good gracious! I totally forgot about "milf"...meant complimentary I find it rather inappropriate...the "mom I'd like to f***"

Nanbert said...

Oh my... is there no end to man's "inventiveness"? And, of course, trying to make it inoffensive by reducing it to initial letters, shows that they know it's offensive!

The art of the compliment is disappearing....along with vocabulary! Think of all the wonderful words that could have been used... if one really meant to be complimentary. Instead, most of it is especially demeaning to women...referring to them only as sexual objects.

Contrast....pretty, lovely, smart, funny, intelligent, attractive, sexy, gorgeous, friendly, empathic, nurturing, interesting, strong, athletic, capable, dependable, etc., etc.................with "m--f"!

I call that THUG LANGUAGE....