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Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Posted at : Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Lam-My said...

Aha, I see Pharaoh boy peeping out with his enthusiastic eyes.

Helloo Pharaoh boy! Daddy won't be with you for a while but it's okay, you will be in his heart.

Hi Lam-My, I miss him already but I'm okay, I'm well cared for and happy as always.

Perhaps you can try watching his said you like his unusual toooooh note. He found his someone to love in you.

I might just do that...I may also have a doggie companion to keep me occupied.

That's great Pharaoh...but Daddy's family and friends are very caring people; they'll take good care of you.

I know that and in fact I know most of them already; very very nice to me; they whistle, wave, stroke my beautiful fur and call my name: Pharaoh hi-i!

As for me, I'm anticipating a magnificent Queen and Adam Lambert Concert! They trigger my poems to tumble and roll out!

保重 bao joong / Take care!