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Socialite Life: Instagram 7: Pietro Boselli, Zachary Quinto, Adam Lambert and More

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 27, 2017

Posted at : Saturday, May 27, 2017

Here are our seven current favorite celebrity Instagram photos (and or videos) featuring Zachary Quinto, Adam Lambert, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zac Efron, Justin Bieber, The Warwick Rowers and Pietro Boselli.


Instagram 7: Pietro Boselli, Zachary Quinto, Adam Lambert and More 

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Lam-My said...
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Lam-My said...

If you put this picture in front of Pharaoh, he will be attracted to it, yellow is a dog's strong vision colour.

Helloo Pharaoh! you like this picture?

Yes Lam-My, so sunny and yellow; those images in the picture look a bit like me and my Daddy.

Not bad Pharaoh! yes they are you and your Daddy.

He is with me now, holding me, like in this picture.

Whoa! Pharaoh you can associate images with real things, oooh-la-la!

He always holds me like that reclining on the sofa on a lazy afternoon.

You are very sensitive Pharaoh; your Daddy's love and care rub off on you. So perhaps when Daddy is on tour, he can send a video of himself talking to you.

I love that ! Lam-My. Ooooeeeh!

I really like your ears a lot, like fox ears; I bet if you trace back far enough, your line may have a fox in there.
I also like your golden fur like... 黄金 huang jeeng / yellow gold

Mi Re La said...

How can a man have such a beautiful nose