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Paolo Ramirez IG: So I met one of my idols and inspirations, I can’t believe I got to sing in front of @adamlambert !!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, March 23, 2018

Posted at : Friday, March 23, 2018

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Humm...Wonder where this "event" the young fan sang at was?... the "backstage" where this photo was taken?

Sunflower said...

This guy looks so happy! Our Adam does inspire people. I too wonder where did he sing at?

Sunflower said...

Nanbert. This fan performed at the Sayers Club! I realized it when I saw the name of the club at the top corner of this Instagram photo! Plus the following Instagram video is from The Sayers Club. He's probably the first singer on this video, but hard to see for its kind of dark for me. Lol

Sunflower said...

Me again, I was being nosy and googled Paolo Ramirez ( fan in the pic with Adam) and he's Chilean and has his own followers. He's won a singing competition in Chile. Actually seeing a could le of his videos, he's pretty good. Now I can see why Adam said that only " him and Adam can sing the high notes", because it's true, I'm impressed. Adam has that eye and ear to pick out the good singers. That's why Adam makes an excellent judge or mentor! :). In the third sentence I meant to type the word Couple NOT could le . Lol

Nanbert said...

Sunflower...thanks for the info.

Sunflower said...

Your welcome Nanbert! Inquiring minds want to know ( mines anyways). Lol

Nanbert said...

Haha.....Sunflower, one of my favorite expressions....."Inquiring minds want/need to know." I've always unfortunately been like that.

But ...I've discovered that the older I get, the more questions I have. It hardly seems fair! When I was younger, I thought that by the time I got to this age, I'd have all the answers! Not so! I just have more questions! Darn!