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Screen caps from Adam Lambert's IG story 6-17-18

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, June 17, 2018

Posted at : Sunday, June 17, 2018

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Good morning Admin! So good to hear from you.
Okay, I shall refrain from talking politics which by the way was initially started by a couple of Adam threads quite some time ago; and so I thought it was okay. Anyway, here is why I actually embarked on it:

The idea of Politics never crossed my mind when I delved into the Trump-Kim Singapore Summit.
To me it's a Humanity issue first and foremost not Politics. And Adam is all for making connections with people. He's been to Singapore 5 times and around the world.
If everything goes well, North and South Korea will be reunited! how beautiful. Have you seen Families wail and cry when they meet one another, some separated since childhood from their parents.
Then, China and Japan may take steps to become friends rather than view each other as adversaries. This Singapore Summit in a nutshell has the potential of reuniting millions of people and that's why I felt so proud that Singapore has done something Good to promote Peace. A cohesive Asia will inevitably affect the whole World including United States especially.
Alas, my Humanity issue has been eclipsed by the Political aspect of it which like I said never crossed my mind.

Thank You! I've always considered you a Friend and that goes for AdminFan!


Lam-My said...

Queen + Adam Lambert - The Show Must Go On live in Oslo 17.6.2018

Johan Chilov
Published Jun 17, 2018