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Adam Lambert on IG: Some Zeppelin for ya

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, January 26, 2019

Posted at : Saturday, January 26, 2019

A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Lam-My said...

Whoa! This is the real Adam! Haw haw...Real Rock!
Actually, I was never into hard or harsh rock as I call it. But Adam's fierce rock woke my senses. On recollection Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin) was a game-changer...never done before on American Idol.

Adam Lambert 2009

Nanbert said...

Oh my! Adam really heats things up at those private soirees! I'd love to attend one. Looks like he "pulled out all the stops" in this one. I think he really enjoys the more relaxed, interpersonal atmosphere of these more intimate gigs.....he's such a people person.

Nanbert said...

Oh yeah....he's also sexy as hell here!

Sunflower said...

Oh my freakin God!!! I want to get on that stage and attack him! When he sang it on Idol I was going nuts, it was turning me on, whoa! Ugh lucky people who saw him. I'd like to know if a company invited him or was it someone's birthday or what?

Mi Re La said...
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Mi Re La said...

Adam's kneeling in front of you and singing "Whole lotta love" is the most sexy thing that can happen to you on your birthday. Hope they had a fire extinguisher handy! What a Birthday Gift!
What a lucky Lady !!

Mi Re La said...

Adam singing Whataya Want From Me in Florence, Italy
Someone is shouting "I LOVE YOU" to Adam and Adam smiles ❤️❤️

Sue Smith said...

As they said in the old days I'm getting the Vapers! Bet it was really hot in the building after that song and performance of Adam. Who ever he was singing to she was one very lucky woman. He really sings the hell out of that song.

blu said...

I wonder what it costs to hire Adam for private birthday party . . . . just asking for a friend . .:) ;)

Dee R Gee said...

I wonder if she had to pay extra for those magnificent glory notes? LOL

From what I've read, speculation is that he made a WHOLE LOTTA MONEY for this party. Like mucho mucho thousands.

He sang a really long set at this party. I guess this is the same person who hired him for a previous private party. He REALLY sang his face off! Glory notes galore!

And might I add that Adam Lambert is the most gorgeous, most talented singer on the planet. End of story.

Nanbert said...

I read somewhere that he's paid $250,000 for these private gigs....somewhere else that it's $500,000! Wonder if that includes travel, food and hotel costs for him and the band....or if that's extra? That really seems like a lot, but Adam is already a millionaire many times how much would he consider "worth his while"?

Oh my! If I had unlimited funds......!!!! I don't begrudge people who can afford those private events with Adam....but I sure envy them!

Maybe it was a group of people who all contributed to that private gig. Still way out of my league, I'm sure...sigh!

Haha....just thinking....if Adam sang "Whole Lotta Love"... in my face like that....lucky woman!.... I'd probably keel over from a heart attack! But what a way to go!

But, more power to him....and he seems to be enjoying himself.

Angeladam said...

Just Wow ! And after singing Nessum dormi !!!!

Mi Re La said...

"Whole lotta love" all the performance

Mi Re La said...

Adam Lambert for a private event in Florence. His talent, his voice are unbelievable, I was speechless !

Sue Smith said...

I know I heard early on in his career he does not do these private gigs for less that 400 and 500 thousand. He certainly even in more demand now because of Queen and all he done. But I dont know that's just what I read.
He most likely needs to bring a band pay them and accommodations and his own accomadations ect. Unless there was a band already there for him. Still would not be cheaper to get him. Doubt he done it for any less than 250,000. If he was also going for a photo shoot may gave little bit of a break in price.
However Oh my Lord how sexy was that performance. I may have health problems but I'm not dead. That was totally sexy and hot and amaizing. That song fits him like a glove.
Above I meant to say he doesn't do the gigs abroad for less than those prices.
There also travel expenses for him and the band if he brings a band. That just what a read I dont know anything for sure.

Sue Smith said...

Nessum Dormi was fantastic was gorgeous no music. What a voice. I have not even put in my ear phones yet and it was like I said fantastic.

creamtangerine said...

I had to go back and check it out when he preformed this song on American Idol, and he was so good, now when Adam preformed this song again, he gave it more meaning.
Oh my goodness, loved it. Why he is not asked to preform at the super bowl is the question. He out sings everyone.

Angeladam said...

Would love to hear Adam duet with someone like Andrea Boccelli, he's done duets with Dual Lipa? And Ed Sheehan, so reckon he'd smash it out of the park !!