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INTERVIEW Magazine: Adam Lambert and Sam Sparro

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Posted at : Tuesday, February 25, 2020

INTERVIEW Magazine invited friends Adam Lambert and Sam Sparro to have a conversation about one of their mutual favorite topics: music!


Mi Re La said...

Queen + Adam Lambert review: Adelaide Oval, February 26, 2020

Mi Re La said...

Adam had a chat with Erin and Soda about filling in Freddie Mercury’s shoes and who in the band can still hold his own when it comes to partying.

Dee R Gee said...

Hmm. Not able to get any audio on the Erin and Soda interview. Clicked on everything.

Mi Re La said...

Dee R Gee Click on the arrow next to Mix 102.3

Dee R Gee said...

Got it! Thanks! This time it worked! Nice interview.

Mi Re La said...

Fantastic "Somebody to Love" Melbourne. 20th February 2020 INHUMAN VOICE!

Nanbert said...

Mi Re La....thanks for that "Somebody to Love" link. Wow! Adam pulled out all the stops for that one! How can he sing like that day after day? He doesn't seem to be pacing himself at all! Also, it's possible that he broke his own record for a sustained note in that one!

And I always watch him carefully after those huge, sustained riffs and notes, to see him gasp for breath, but he never does. It's kind of like watching a ventriloquist, trying to see his/her lips move! Adam just continues on with the song with no apparent effort! It's magic!

I note, in this video, even Brian makes a big "kudo" to Adam for this one. Astounding!

Angeladam said...

Great interview and yes "Somebody to love" just wow !!