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Queen & Adam Lambert 2nd day of rehearsals

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Posted at : Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Dee R Gee said...

It's official! QAL will perform at the Queen's Jubilee along with many other great performers! I left a link on my last post. Yay!

Sunflower said...

Yes Dee R Gee! What a great day for us Glamberts!!! I don’t have BBC1 so I’m really hoping for a kind UK fan to stream this for us Americans (hehe)! But those Glambert Ninjas should come through for us! I’m happy Queen will perform and a bit more happier Adam WILL be singing with them and as an opening act!!! Woohoo “happy days are here again” la la la la la la la la! 🎤🎸🥁🪘🎹🎼🎼🎼❤️

Dee R Gee said...

Brian has hinted that it's a special kind of setting, too. Like something that even tops being on top of Buckingham Palace which he did before. Hmmmm.

Mi Re La said...

One week from today the Q+AL Europe tour 2022 starts. Huraaaaay!

Mi Re La said...