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New Details on Adam Lambert's Forthcoming New Album High Drama

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, December 12, 2022

Posted at : Monday, December 12, 2022

Our friend and Adam Lambert superfan, Gelly, has posted new information on Adam's forthcoming new album, High Drama, available for pre-order on December 13th and to be released February 24, 2023.


Sunflower said...

Omg yes! Can't wait for this! Adam is absolutely stunning in these pictures. Looking forward in listening to all the songs he picked out like Chandelier, Boy George's Do...Me, Sex on Fire (a very popular favorite amongst Glamberts, yes mine too) hehehehe

Dee R Gee said...

If that's Steve Winwood's "I'm A Man," I will be VERY happy! This is a great list of old and new, high energy and slow and sexy. I am really looking forward to hearing this album!