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Adam's first kiss with a girl?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 14, 2010

This picture was taken when Adam was in theater school(?). Could it be Adam's first "girl kiss"? Adam himself admitted that he's never dated a girl but he's definitely kissed girls before. So this may be the first time Adam's kissed a girl. Or at least one of the first girls he's kissed.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who that girl is?

Anonymous said...
this was SOO funny!!! he has a muppet shoe

Anonymous said...

Oh, the muppet shoe is so funny. Adam is just so real.

Anonymous said...

Common you guys. IT'S theater!!!!
He lookes SOO adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Yea I really don't count 'theater' kisses as real kisses. I'm in theater when I kiss a guy it's just for the sake of the show/scene. Besides what's it matter if this was Adam's first kiss or what? I'm confused by the purpose of this post.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it was the gurl from compton who was his 1st lol

Anonymous said...

I agree with poster above me. He said she was a black girl and that she was older than he was. I think he was 14 or 15.
