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Bill O'Reilly talks about the Cell Phone "Controversy"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bill O'Reilly on his show today said that Adam's reaction to the situation was "appropriate" and then calls the lady with the cell phone a "pin head".

Credit: aprildreams


Anonymous said...

Gee Bill, this is the first time you have ever said anything that made any sense. I don't hate you now, as much as I used to. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Bill O' Riley, People have been calling you " The Voice of Sanity on Fox", and i have to agree. You are becoming a very astute, reasonable man. Thank You for saying it like it is.

Anonymous said...

Once again, who cares what BillO thinks about anything? He works for FOX. What more can be said? His agreement with Adam's reaction doesn't validate him to me. He's still a jerk and always will be.

ladiesfirst said...

Bill O'Riley has always been fair to Adam Lambert and I find it interesting that he continues to give Adam airtime.
Remember people “The O’Reilly Factor” get 3.5 million viewers a night that's more than CNN and MSNBC combined. What great publicity for Adam!
Maybe one day they will ask him on as a guest.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please! I don't need a connection between Adam and O'Idiot. And, just like him to call someone a name, no matter how rude she was. I don't trust O'I to be on anybody's "side" - he'll trash Adam as fast as he would anyone else.

glammy said...

wow! bill you surprised me. i did send you an email about your interview with barbara walters regarding adam lambert and i hated you for that but now gee i can't believe that you sided adam. now i will start watching your show again. way to go bill.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what this idiot thinks? He's on Fox--that says enough.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam's response to the cell phone person was appropriate, but now I'm not sure it was if Bill sez so. lol

Anonymous said...

Now don’t be a hater; this isn’t about Bill O’Riley or Fox News it’s about Adam Lambert and his success!

Besides “Bill is looking out for you”

Anonymous said...

Bill is an asshole. I don't care if he gives Adam the best praise ever, I still think he's a dick.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is the biggest dick and asshole walking the planet and his name and Adam's name shouldn't be allowed in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

All you O'Reilly and Fox haters have to get over yourselves. If you ever watched Mr. O., you would know that to him you can be a patriot one day and a pinhead the next by the way you act. He is fair and balanced. As you probably have guessed, I am a conserative in my politics but totally an ardent Adam Lambert fan. I've also lived a lot longer than many of you; I'm 67, so I have a little more life experience. Hating takes so much out of you, loving is easier.

Deus te amat and I do too.

Anonymous said...

I'm an obsessed and addicted ADAM LAMBERT fan yet I am a straight conservative woman and I watch Fox and I watch O'Reilly.
I admire Adam for his GOD gifted talent and love him dearly for his inner beauty, big heart and enlightened soul.
I watch Fox because aside from being Fair and Balance, it's the only major network that talks about GOD.
When it comes to opinion, you can always agree or disagree with commentators. Just make sure it leads you to enlightenment and not deception by fallen angels.

Anonymous said...

ANYONE who still claims Billo is "fair and balanced" obviously doesn't know the meaning of the words. And by the way, WHY should ANY network talk about GOD? Isn't that reserved for the pulpit which has been given tax free status for years and televangelists who have been ripping off their followers for years?

Anonymous said...

FOX news is the most biased news station out there. They're constantly bashing Barack Obama. Wanting the president to fail is wanting the country to fail. Fair and balanced? I've never seen them fair and balanced. Fuck Fox, and fuck O'Reilly. He's a bastard. My opinion on Fox or him will never change. I don't care how much he talks about GOD if I wanted to hear that, I'd watch the Religious channel.

Anonymous said...

Boy, you people are really off the track. This is an Adam Lambert fan site, not a forum for Cable news. However, when you say you HATE Fox you have to remember that it was that very same company that brought us American Idol 8, FOX!! Isn't that the reason we come to this site: to express how we feel about Adam? Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Poster two above me...So, you really, truly, positively know that Bill O's parents were not married when he was born, huh? And that oh so sophisticated and intelligent language you use shows how much you might need God in your life.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind opinionated people even I disagree as long as the focus is the issue and not personal attacks and based on facts.
I'm from Asia and I think political correctness is the fall of America. You have to call a spade a spade. There's nothing wrong criticizing policies but don't get personal which is a loser's fall back argument.
There must be a very valid reason why O'Reilly is the highest rated opinion show for over 10 years in US and also here in Asia. Fox is number 1 here.

Anonymous said...

Well that ride lady finally decided to speak up about how she was on the phone while Adam was performing.. i found a clip online..