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"PICK U UP" Track By Track Discuss

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 25, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 25, 2010


twyla said...

If I were forced to pick a favorite from FYE, it would be "Pick U Up"

Anonymous said...

I can't ever seem to be able to pick a favorite. I'm favorite-challenged.

Was that too cute, or what?

twyla said...

It is to cute ^_^

Fortunately no one has ever forced me to pick a favorite. I love how high and long Adam goes on this song and the laugh at the end.

Anonymous said...

Me too!!! Pick U Up is so musically innovative and that bridge near the end is something only a true singer (like Adam) could do. His breath control is breath-taking!

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam describes the lyrics to his music. I love PUU. It makes my heart dance.

Anonymous said...

It's my favorite also. song shows Adam's voice at its best.

Anonymous said...

Favorite track on the album..! Great hooks, message and glory notes!

Anonymous said...

pick you up is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

i just love pick u up .END