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Adam Lambert Interview with IN Rock Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 14, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, March 14, 2010

But it's in Japanese! The English version will be posted immediately after I find it! In the meantime, enjoy the picture!

祝来日!! アダム・ランバート来日直前インタビュー







Anonymous said...

He is SO beautifull. I am going CRAZY!!! Glad he is having fun and the world is getting NUTS over him.. Well, why not? how can u not go CRAZY!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad I read Japanese, and this article is good and friendly for Adam. I love him!!! I emailed my relatives and friends in Japan to watch his appearance in the TV show. I am very pleased Adam's success worldwide. Go Adam Go!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 2:26

What did it say?

Anonymous said...

Yes, please tell us what does it say.

Anonymous said...

this is the translation per Google translate, which translated word for word and some of the meaning is skewed:

Japan holidays! Interview last visit Adam Lambert

Sonic costume party with me if you want, you might try to buy this album Zehi (laughs)!

Adam Lambert's debut album "For Your Entertainment" was released in Japan and the long-awaited, folks, is to hear this single longer able to fully enjoy the overwhelming power of his singing I shall now? To celebrate the release of Japanese edition, the person if Adam goes according to plan, we realized that the first visit to Japan this time. Do you enjoy shopping in Japan and was looking forward to that extent?
So, this will continue to deliver 後編 an interview last month's issue.

─ ─ work during his period as musical director, was told yes it was not like the color of 変Ero from your everyday clothes and nail polish. I have heard the warning but the individuality and 貸Sazu ears pierced?
Adam Lambert: Yeah, well you remember about the experience Hayo Sono. I was just beginning Tteiu rehearsal stage, and some people came to me, "You are a producer, saying I'm perfect for you a little bit too loud. A nail polish and eyeliner, so I'm sorry. Could you take? like that is where I have not been asked, "What I've been saying. So it's not even wearing a costume, this is me I'm strictly a casual dress? What is the feeling. I was beginning But instead of looking up. My role was led from the military, but it is feminine manicure 見Etarashiku to me, could I seem to be convincing in the role that I really do. Ja, but reviews of the show, I appreciate that my performance than anyone. You know it! I was like (laughs).
─ ─ now time to face adversity, you'd have been hard to prove his ability to do so.
Adam: Yeah, and I came a long way continue to be misunderstood.

This continued March 15 (Mon) lock released in 2010 April issue (Vol.316) please visit

Anonymous said...

thanks for the translation!