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Would you like a Glamburger?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not sure if this is photoshopped or not but it's funny!



Anonymous said...

ooH Yes Please!!!!
Served HOT

Anonymous said...

It's not photoshopped, I was there a couple weeks ago and saw it and thought it was hilarious.

melissatoronto said...

Haha, Is that super size with all the dressings!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is that place at ? lol. I want to go and order it.

Anonymous said...

i love 24/7
thanks so much for entertaining us
lovin the lambert

By Rosita said...

hahaha.. yes I´ll like!!

Anonymous said...

This is from a very popular restuarant somewhere in New York.

Anonymous said...

This is from a very popular restuarant somewhere in New York.

Anonymous said...

YES PLEASE!~ I'll eat him up!

Anonymous said...

It's from the menu at his intimate concert at the Fantasy Suites Resort and Casino in Indio, California. I was there and had a Glamburger. The best I ever had. LOL

Anonymous said...

This is from The Cheesecake Factory menu for those that were wondering. I noticed it a couple weeks ago when I was there. BTW, I ended up getting the blue cheese 'glam'burger, YUM!

Anonymous said...

This is th link of The Cheesecake Factory
someone should ask them to put Glamburgers on the menu online, too.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer a Glamweiner.

Anonymous said...

I'll take the beef and the weiner,undressed!!!