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Adam Lambert for MuchMusic Award!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 16, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 16, 2010

Sony Music Canada tweeted this today and said that Adam is leading the place to win an MMVA for the most watched video! You can stream the video to help Adam by clicking HERE.

Sony_Music #WWFM by @AdamLambert is currently in first place to win an MMVA for most watched video! Keep watching so it wins:


Anonymous said...

Tried to vote,but just got a deoderant commercial and black screen. Maybe not working because I'm in U.S? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Same for me

Anonymous said...

My understanding is the video is only for Canadians, but you can still vote repeatedly for:

He's been #1 for 5 weeks in a row - max is 8. Let's go for 8!

Anonymous said...

It's not working. They only show the adds but not Adam's video. Most likely US is blocked since it's a Canadian thing and that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to play WWFM but it's not leting me play it. just the stupid commercial