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Adam Lambert has a message to his fans!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 1, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 01, 2010


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love you too, Adam. Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

I love it! That's hilarious. The fact that you would defend us for defending you makes this a beautiful "marriage" of sorts. Keep doing what you do. It makes us stronger.


Anonymous said...

Love this. Adorable. And on a serious note - the thing is - for the most part, I find Lambert fans to be a considerate and well educated and informed lot!

Anonymous said...

How Lovely!!
Thanks Adam,we will always defend you!!
you give us such Joy,Love and Happiness
We your Loving Fans THANKYOU for all the Beautiful Music,your Stunning Looks,Your Charming Charisma and for Filling our Hearts with Love,
You are the PERFECT MAN for US everytime we see and hear you we go weak at the Knees with Love for you,
we have really enjoyed following you on your Amazing International Tour and Can see how much Fun you have had
Loving the Lambert from a Loving Lambrit xx

Anonymous said...

i am with you anon 1:56 the authors of the book "ON THE MEANING OF ADAM LAMBERT" are two very well educated ladies, juneau is a trained scientist graduated at Harvard University and xena from University of York had a degree in some kind of political science (i think) and i for one a 58 mother with a degree. like many of you this is the first time in my life i have admired an artist like adam. i don't have any idea if this is what they call midlife crisis but i'm loving it. adam became my inspiration, my 5 children think he became a member of the family and my favorite child. even my husband commented "ADAM runs my household and our lives because he is my priority i.e checking/stalking on him on line.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now, does everyone get why we LOVE the guy?

Anonymous said...

Adam: mwuh! Love you for your fire and your spunkiness!

Anonymous said...

It's getting bad- in my conversations I find the first thing I say is "you know what Adam would do...". His honesty and positive outlook on life is very infectious and inspiring. I LOVE this guy-plus I'm just mesmerized by those beautiful eyes!

Anonymous said...

My hubby is convinced that we have added another GRANDCHILD to the fold because ADAM is a part of everything I talk about or watch on TV, my computer, stereo ... ADAM! ADAM! ADAM! And hubby thinks I should keep right on VOTING because IHO ADAM IS #1 ... and also IMO!! WE LOVE YOU ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

to anon 5:35 i kept asking that question to myself too all i know is he makes me happy, feel young at heart and my family like hearing me humming adam's songs and in good moods.

Anonymous said...

I do feel we are all a big huge family! That's why I can't wait for fan-club to emerge and then we could like get together and love Adam together and have Adam-spasms together and we would feel more normal about our obsession because my mother and friends think i have gone completely mad;)
but i haven't lost my job yet so all is well:)
Poland loves Adam

Anonymous said...

ANON 11.09
well said,
my boyfriend thinks i have lost the plot but loves the fact that i now skip with happiness and joy with love for the wonderful Adam
and bless my boyfriends heart, he made me a Adam Lambert Calender with some of the photos i have in my Adam Lambert Gallery (how sweet is that) for christmas,and i did hear him singing along to sure fire winners (cute)
not sure how he will feel once I plaster the bedroom walls with Adams pictures hee hee
from a loving Lambrit on the Isle of Wight