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New Adam Lambert Finland Interview!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 1, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 01, 2010


Anonymous said...

Iliked this interview. It had some different questions and was fun. The interviewer seemed very engaged in the interview.

Anonymous said...

He would rather burn than freeze to death! With unlimited budget, he would make the theater an actual space ship! Oh that was hilarious! :D

Anonymous said...

What a vivid imagination!!! This earth will not be able to contain him for very long.


Anonymous said...

I thought this was a good interview also. Enjoyed the interviewer and his fresh questions and comments. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think this was my favorite Adam interviewer ever. That was the kind of conversation I'd love to have with Adam if I could possibly not have a freak out brain freeze...!

Anonymous said...

Very cool interview. He is a total blast.

Anonymous said...

How refreshing, not to have the same questions over and over. I didn't know he was even going to Finland. apparently performing also. I wonder what he is doing tomorrow.I thought he would be back home for rehearsals for his show in BC.

Anonymous said...

ENJOYED so much listening to Adam and watching close ups of his beautiful face, all those expressions, smiles, eye movements...And Adam was not in Finland (UNFORTUNATELY!), the Finnish guy was interviewing him in Sweden...Nice interview, though - am pretty sure he was a fan, too! SOOOO wish Adam will also come to Finland someday!

Anonymous said...

Brag, Brag.....I am Finnish living in the states. This is the best interview because we Finns have a great sense of humor and love to laugh. Love Adam and all his wildest dreams.

Liisa Heikkenen Walkema

Anonymous said...

Great Interview. Really comfortable and easy. Just a sit back chat. Very Nice.

Anonymous said...

All interviewers take note: You can get a really interesting interview from Adam Lambert if you ask new questions. Go for it. It's worth the risk!

Anonymous said...

HOORAY - now, THIS interview was a breath of fresh air!! Finally, some new questions...the chance for Adam to give thoughtful, silly and off the cuff/spontaneous answers...his beautiful eyes in close up - what more could you want? Gold star for this interview. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for a fun, wonderful interview!

Anonymous said...

I thought the interview was great too. The interviewer dude was so nice and he seemed to really be prepared. I think he actually knows a lot about Adam- besides the fact that he's gay and has worked with L.G.! And hell yeah! WE ARE THE MOST PASSIONATE FANS OUT THERE, AREN'T WE?!:)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

God!! I love this Man!! Can't help myself. He touches something deep inside me. I want to hold him close and protect him from the "bad" in this world. I don't understand it - it just "IS" Elvis has nothing to do with it- I don't care for Elvis. Adam has been, and is the only one that has affectcted me this way. I LOVE this man! Gay-Sraight, Bi - does not apply. "He" is all.